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This one shot was requested by @whosraidz. Thank you so much for your patience with me. I know I have been taking a long time to post on all of my books, but thank you for staying with me!


Snowfall was walking down the halls of the ice palace. She was feeling a bit lonely. She hasn't seen her friend Lynx in FOREVER. She has been stuck talking to advisors all day. She yawned widely and nearly fell over from how tired she was. The day was already over and she still had another meeting with the other tribes' queens later that night. It was exhausting.

She made her way through the twists and turns of the halls in the palace, eventually coming out to the courtyard, where she sat down next to the Moon Globe Tree. There was a small flurry, that was calmly falling throughout the yard. There were not many dragons out, so the powder around the area was undisturbed other than her own talon prints.

She took a small sigh of relief and closed her eyes. Maybe just a small nap? No. She can't. If she falls asleep now, she won't wake up til morning.

I need someone to keep me awake. I don't know if Winter is around, and I don't think Hailstorm would appreciate it if I woke him up. I don't want to just have a guard following around. That would be obnoxious.

She only had one option, and she was not excited about that. It was her friend... Lynx. There was nothing wrong with her. She was peppy, which Snowfall thought was unusual for an IceWing, and she was very pretty. She always had such good ideas and was hard-working. The only thing is. THAT WAS THE PROBLEM!

She could not hang out with Lynx. Not until she sorted out everything. She had her duties to keep and did not think it was a good idea to get distracted by love interests. Not right now at least. Maybe later in life, when she feels more prepared.

Snowfall stood up to walk away when she heard wingbeats coming from the sky. She looked up to see who it was, and by some luck, it was Lynx coming down to see her friend.

Exactly. I'm just a friend. Nothing else. Nothing more. Keep it together.

"Hi Snowfall! I... er... I mean your majesty," Lynx said with a massive smile on her face.

"Um... Hi Lynx,"

"What are you doing?" Lynx asked.

Snowfall hesitated, and then said, "Nothing much. Just sitting down and watching the snow."

Snowfall felt torn because she wish she could ask Lynx to join her but one thing will lead to the next and Snowfall will be embarrassed in front of Lynx and her heart would be shattered, and she would be late for her meeting and the world would END!

What is she thinking? She needs to take a deep breath. Lynx is adventurous, and would not like something like sitting around and doing nothing.

"That's cool! Can I join?"

No. No. No. No. This was not supposed to happen!

"Uh... Sure?" Snowfall said in a questioning tone.


Lynx jumped up and down for a second then walked over and sat herself down right next to Snowfall. Their wing tips were touching and making it very hard to stay normal and serious for Snowfall. She sat there for a moment, gazing into Lynx's dark blue eyes, which were searching the sky in wonder.

Snowfall shook herself back into reality and looked at the sky, trying to forget that Lynx was right next to her.

Snowfall felt her eyes droop a little and her muscled relax. She closed her eyes, breathing in and out slowly. She let her head lean to the side, and it slowly fell down. Her head hit something before getting too far. Snowfall opened her eyes to find Lynx sitting there peacefully, with Snowfall's head leaning on her left shoulder. There was a slight blue tint on Lynx's face, but Snowfall must have imagined it or something because it seemed too faint to be any different from her normal gleaming silver scales. It must be the lighting.

Wait a second. ITS LYNX!

Snowfall's head quickly shot off of Lynx's shoulder and a blue blush quickly covered Snowfall's face. She tried to hide her face and look away. Lynx looked over at Snowfall curiously.

"Something wrong?"

Snowfall said back quietly, "S-Sorry Lynx. I guess I am just super tired."

Lynx tilted her head at Snowfall, which was making her feel more embarrassed. Lynx said, "Well if you are tired, you can... um... you can lay on my shoulder if you want."

Snowfall blushed even more but complied. She was too tired to try to fight herself.

After a little while, Snowfall felt something lying on top of her head. She looked to find Lynx

leaning her head on top. Snowfall was beaming at this point. Snowfall nuzzled her snout into Lynx's neck and curled her tail around Lynx's.

"Snowfall... Th-There has been something I have been meaning to tell you for a while," Lynx whispered into Snowfall's ear nervously.

"What is it?" Snowfall asked, still half asleep.

Lynx nuzzled Snowfall's head and said, "I love you."

Lynx was expecting to be rejected by her friend, but instead, she was surprised with, "Me, too. Me... too," followed by Snowfall promptly falling asleep. Lynx smiled softly and closed her eyes.

"I will wake you up when for your meeting when it is time, my queen."


I will still take some time to post because I am currently focusing on my book Wings of Fire; The Creed, but I will try to get the rest of the requests done so I can take more. Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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