Chapter 22

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Strangely, she wasn't nervous. Maybe she should have been. Delilah was waiting for the feeling in the pit of her stomach to turn up. Henry and she were going out for dinner tonight-

She should be nervous. That would be the first proper date. The first time they would be alone, without anybody threatening to interrupt them for... well, weeks. Of course, they got their evenings and nights, spend curled around each other in their bedroom, where they talked softly about the future and kissed even gentler, warm hands slipping under shirts and stealing caresses on naked skin...and Delilah loved every bloody second of that.

But going out to dinner... That would be different.

They wouldn't be in the privacy of the Cavill house, instead, they would be out, and not as they had been to the grocery store, where, without even talking about it, they had behaved like they always had. Like friends. they went out to a fancy dinner...and granted they had done that sometimes as friends as well...this occasion felt thoroughly not friendly, but rather romantic.

Their first proper date. Delilah was looking forward to that.

Why not at least do some things a little bit more traditional? When they had already thrown the order of everything else out of the window a very long time ago.

And maybe she was primping a bit more for that than she needed to. Sue her. As often as Henry told her she was beautiful, even in old shirts and wellies, maybe for once she actually wanted to make him speechless.

And she was quite sure that she now had a dress that could actually manage that.

The dark green fabric, sateen with a silky sheen, matched the colour of her eyes nearly perfectly. It was waiting for her, hanging on the closet door, with a pair of heels carefully underneath it...whenever she finished with her makeup.

She had time though.

The knock on her door was surprising but she was wearing her bathrobe, so she just called, "Come in, it's open!"

It were Brianna and Emily that were poking their heads in the room, glasses of lemonade that Leila had made earlier that morning between them.

"We figured we'll keep you company," Kate said grandly and Delilah just laughed as she finished up the powder over her whole face. Brows next. Let's hope she would actually manage to make them symmetric.

"We won rochambeau against Audrey and Kate. So they get to babysit our kids and our husbands, because somebody is thinking that we should totally do a fire this evening," Brianna explained drily, while she sat down on the bed and watched Delilah put on her makeup. "Are these hair rollers? I didn't know people under the age of 80 still use them."

"You never had a proper blowout then," Kate gave back drily. "Though normally they don't do the whole head...and they are bigger..."

"I am trying to do a 50s wave," Delilah explained. "So I set my hair overnight." She hadn't done it in a few weeks and she also needed a haircut because it always worked better on

"Ooooh, that's what you were hiding under that headscarf this morning!" Brianna suddenly realized. "Did you sleep in them?" She asked incredulously.

"Yup. You get used to it," she tacked on as she saw Brianna's expression on her face. "It's not as uncomfortable as it looks." But she also had nearly a decade's worth of trying to figure out the best way to do it.

"Are you going to go all retro?" Kate asked curiously. "Like with the winged eyeliner and red lipstick?"

"It's a 1950s dress, so I figured I better go with the theme," Delilah agreed, having finished with her eyeshadow, which was actually quite a subtle look and grabbed her eyeliner. "Granted my heels really aren't historically correct but who cares." She used to have a lovely pair of gold sandals but she would need to replace these eventually. Until then, the sole pair of black heels that she had packed would suit her just fine. The great part of them was that they were stupidly comfortable for the height they added to her frame. And added height would always be something that she could use. She just so cleared 5 feet on a good day and next to Henry, she looked even more ridiculously small.

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