Chapter 1

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Kazuha POV

Summer holiday had finally ended, the school was packed with kids each doing their own things. I sighed as I finally reached the building I disliked. I grabbed my camera close to me and looked around for my friend, Tomo. He was nowhere to be seen so I'll assume he's going to come late which he usually does so I don't know why I bothered to look for him. As I headed towards the building lost in my thoughts, someone scared me which made me let out a scream. I look behind me to see someone that looks familiar. "Miss me?" Tomo says with a smuggish grin. "I did until you scared me."

"You looked lost in your thoughts so it was the perfect chance for me to scare you" Tomo replied and ruffled my hair. "Don't do that you're gonna ruin my hair" I said and shooed his hand away. "You never fail to make me in awe whenever you're irritated". I've always suspicioned that Tomo liked me, he's usually been doing things to show it such as holding my hand out of the blue, but he would say that his hands were "cold" even though it's around 40 degrees outside. But I brush it off since I don't really care. "Hellooooo earth to kaz?" Tomo says while poking my shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him, "Kaz? Where did you get that nickname from" He would usually call me by some nicknames but this one was new and I don't really like it. "Hmm you don't like it?" He says in a sad tone sarcastically "Whatever, I need to get to class now, see you at lunch" "Bye bye kaz!"

I walked at a faster pace as I realised class was starting in less than 3 minutes. As I reached my first class, Science, I walked inside the classroom. Thankfully I was early. The teacher greeted me and told me to take a seat. I sat on a random seat I found and looked around the details of the classroom before the class started. The bell finally rang and everyone took their seats.

"Hello everyone my name is Albedo and I'll be your science teacher for this year," my teacher says "This is finally your last year of school and I'm hoping all of you will have the best time in the last year of school. Even though this is the first day of school, you're going to have a duo project that's due till the last week of school," groans were heard in the room "Sir but it's literally the first day of school" "Give us a break" "At least make the first day of school more welcoming" and so on. "Silence everyone, the first day of school won't give you an excuse to not study. Anyway, speaking of the project, you'll have to choose a scientific topic of your choice and talk about it. I'll be telling you all who's going to be with who." Mr.Albedo grabbed a piece of paper which I assume had the partner names.

Names after names were spoken and I still didn't get to know my partner. "And finally, Kaedehara Kazuha and Scaramouche. Everyone please sit with your partner, it will be your seat for the rest of the year." Mr.Albedo says. Dang I don't even know who that Scara kid is. I got up from my seat and looked around. "Kazuha your partner is over there." Mr.Albedo says, pointing at a kid with purple hair. I walked over to Scaramouche and sat beside him. I stared at him for a while and not gonna lie, he looks handsome. "Will you stop staring at me you creep" he says "I'm just thinking how doomed I am to be partnered up with a person like you" I snapped back. "Tsk I was thinking the same" "Whatever" I say and payed attention to my teacher.


It was finally lunch time, I walked over to the cafeteria and spotted Tomo. "Tomo!!" I said and ran up to him. "There you are, I've been looking for you, let's go sit" he says. We sat on our usual table and talked about anything we could think of. "I've got paired up with some guy on a project and he's really rude hmph" I say and let out a pout. "Well good luck with that" Tomo said 'I hope they don't get close..' Tomo thought to himself.


School was finally over. I looked around and saw the guy from earlier, scara something. It looked like he was putting his earphones on his ears and grabbing a skateboard. I ran up to him and poked him "Hey" he looked in my direction and an annoyed expression formed on his face, ouch. "What do you want?" He said, obviously annoyed. "Since we're partners can I get your phone number? We need to work on the project'' "In your dreams, the project is due till the last week of school, calm down'' "I don't need you to hold me back so give me your number" "whatever" I smiled to myself in victory as he gave me his phone number. "I'm gonna go now, see ya loser" and just like that he left. I named his contact 'scaradouche' and went home.

As I came back from home, I remembered that I didn't use my camera today. "Tomorrow for sure" I sighed. Photography was my favourite hobby, I take pictures over anything and anytime. I just simply enjoy photography. My cat, Mimi, walked over to me and meowed. Mimi is an intelligent cat, she usually accompanies me at home. "Hungry?" I say, Mimi meowed again which I assume means 'yes'. I fed Mimi, showered, did my homework and now I'm getting ready for bed. I close the lights and put my camera on my nightstand. Mimi came up to me and laid down beside me, and soon I drifted to sleep.

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