The rebels with the Avengers

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You are the little sister of Anakin Skywalker, you have 5 years diffrence, that means when Quigon chin took anakin with him he also took you when you where 4. The jedis where skeptic about Anakin, because he was to old, but you are in the perfect age.
Your master was Master Windu, and when Anakin got old enough Obi wan got your Master.

You sit with the Avengers in a meeting. "yn!" Tony yells some time, but you dont hear him, you are completly zoned out. You remember the worst day of your life: *"Aniii!" you yell, but Master Kenobi holds you with all power back and let you watch Anakin your big loved brother burn. You look up at your mad and at the same time sad master. He tries not to cry, that it wont make it worse for you, so you hug him. He smiles, as he remembers that you beside the force, can read mind, but for that you didn't even have to. You go back to the ship. There you see C3PO  and he says: "we already leight Padme in the ship." "Thanks C3PO" your master answers short. "Master you know that I can heal her right?" "Yes kid, but you wont its too dangerous." "But master!" "No!" "But you trained me it for years, remember when we found out, that I not only can jump high? And also can heal people and do a protective ball??" "yes I do, but it's to dangerous!" "but!" "no buts come!"
Timeskip after Padmes death when Obi wan, Yoda and Organa talking about what to do. They did as said and Yoda says: "Yn we will send you in another dimension, that you'll be safe!" "But Master! Im the fvck almost 30 years old!" "We know yn we know, but the fact that you got kidnapped and frozen for almost the last 12 years your not safe here!" After some arguing they send you away and you were a five year old crying in the compound."* you feel that Wanda tries to get into your mind, because you were zoned out, thats why you yell: "Wanda I swear to the freaking god if you try one more TIME to read MY mind I AM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" "Chill out!!! You were 10 minutes zoned out!" "And?!" "YN STOP we raised you and can also kick you out!"Tony yells mad. "Then kick ME OUT!!! You DIDNT EVEN HAD TO RAISE ME!!!" you yell and storm out.
After few hours you go out to eat dinner you say: "Hey sorry... I got kinda mad and lost control..." "Its alright!" Nat says calm. "May we know about what you are think so often lately? You almost stopped zone out when you were ten amd then one year later you started again! "May we know why?" "Ehm no not really but I'll say it like this; I always think about, how its my fault that everybody died..." then you go quiet and dont say anything anymore. Nat and Wanda are worried about you, but you can't say them.

It's the next day and you have at 7 a meeting. Its monday and you talk about upcoming missions, when Fury comes in and says: "Morning!" "Morning!" everyone replies. "What do you need?" Tony asks. Fury answers: "You to listen. I got an important mission for yn! There are people coming to help you, in like 20 minutes and another girl tomorrow. I'm not really considered in it, but they said me to say to you: 'miss Skywalker! He's coming to you, please make sure you are safe and get him back. When you did it, you may come visit us! Organa.' he gives you the letter and you smile. "Wow yn smiles!" Nat and wanda say. Fury says: "does that mean, that your last name really is Skywalker?" "Yes sir! I told you it already often, but everone kept ignoring it so yeah!" "and who is this Organa?" "He is the kindest, optimistic and trustful person in the universe! So no more questions before it gets weird!"
They talk about they're missions and you are again about to zone out, when the door opens and a shield agent walks in. "Fury here are the helpers." "Thank you." Fury says and then they walk in. You look up and see Kanan. You run up and hug him. Kanan says happy: "Hey Nn how are you?" He pulls away and you smile at him: "ignoring the fact that I am fifteen again perfect!" he laughs. Tony says irritated: "again?! ok thats not what I wanted to say. You know him?!" "yes. He is the best! Lovely and kind, also shy but very strong!" Kanan laughs: "Did you ever describe me in another way?" "Nope! But I heard about her! You are Sabine right?" "Yeah! So Kanan told us, that you could be really kind or kill us all." she says laughing. "Really? I never killed one of them! Btw sabine your hair is nice and then you are Ezra right?" "Yeah! chill kid!" "I AM OLDER!!" "I know but stuck in a body of fifteen?" "Yeah... Who comes tomorrow???" "Youll see tomorrow! It's somebody you know..." "there is still somebody alive?" "Yeah actully yes!" "really?!" "yeah chill yn you see tomorow." "Skywalker!" Steve says to get your attention. "Rogers!!!! If one of you says the name one more time Im gonna shoot you!" "YN dont they dont know about it!" Kanan yells. "About what?" Nat asks. "Nothing!" "And why should we be scared that she shoots us?" Fury asks. "Oh because its yn!" Sabine says: "Ohh! Now I know from where I know you! You helped my parents right?" "Uhuh!" "Isnt it suspocious that yn knows them?" Tony asks. Everyone nodds in agreement. "So first of all I trust Organa he wouldnt send a person I dont know, sceond of all he needed for this case strong people so he chose them, and I only know so much about Sabine and Ezra because I kinda spyed on them." "And thats the yn I know" Kanan says. "Yeah but I changed!" "Yes you have depressions, hate everyone and you are 15 AGAIN!" "nanana!" you talked for a while, you said everything you already knew, and the avengers listened the most of the time amd somtimes they joined you talking.

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