New recruits

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Tony: "Avengers. Come to the meeting room" "whats up?" you ask. "we get new recruits. They should come in every moment" then they walk in. "sorry mr. Stark for being late." "no its fine. We also just arrived. Mind introducing yourself?" "oh yeah sorry. I am tom riddle" "I am mattheo riddle" "I am draco malfoy. Wanna drink hottie?" "shove off" you answer. What makes him smirk. "I'll get you to be mine" "keep wishing. I rather kill myself malfoy" "we'll see" you start to make throw up noises. "not funny kid" "he startet tony" "well I don't care. They are new. Do you want to show them their new rooms?" "yes" you say rolling your eyes, "come dumbasses" "language" "yeah whatever" you arrived at their rooms. "here are your rooms... What do you want guys?" "well we got bored and muggles are intresting and so dumb" "you wont survive here long without showing your real idendity" "oh we will. You will help us!" "no. I don't know one good reason" "this little boy there, the kid, he is an easy catch, as much as the others without powers" "your tattoos tell me, that your dumb deal was different. Tell me it now!" "alright we should get you back. If you don't want, your family wont be alive long" "shove off" "oh honey how I missed you" "I hate you draco" "why baby?" "you did this to me" "what?" "you mindcontrolled me and made me join your stupid team. I was mindcontrolled" "well you said yes" you walk out and go down to the avengers. "what did you do there so long" "tolkd them a little bit about you, so they know, what they are doing here" "why dont you like them?" "draco flirtet with me, in the first 20 seconds. Forget it." "atleast be kind to them" "I'll try" "thanks" the slytherins come back down. "now I know from where I know yoh hun" "call me this oncw more, and I rip your head off your shoulders" "i have a neck" "no you don't" "from where do you know yn?" nat asks intrested. "we were her school friends" "you just bullied me" "it wasn't our fault you got sortet into our house" "do you want something to eat? I bet your way from hell here was very long. And there you don't get anything to eat. You must be starving. I hope for you, that your parents made food for you, on your way here" "just shut up" "it's not my fault you showed up" "this was a good one" mattheo says. "yeah, as good as you look without your d!ck." "I said be kind" "sorry".

The next morning.

You are awake making pancakes foe breakfast. The slytherins come walking in. Grabbing out their wand holding to your neck, "join us. We will let them be. If not, the pain start" "while they say that, nat and wanda walk in. wanda immediately used her powers to free you. "what the heck" "obliviate" comes out of Dracos mouth. "hey girls. Already awake?" "yes. It's strange, I don't remember walking in" "well you just did girl. Come sit down. Your maybe just starving. Here I made pancakes" "oh thanks. Cute of you" after ten minutes everyone got down and you all eat together. "does anyone have tattos?" "why?" Tony asks. "I thought of making me one, but I never had an Idea. Does anybody have one?" "no" everyome says. "no, but didn't you three made matching tattos last summer?" "we did. But it was the same as yours, because we couldn't afford more." "yeah sure. The richest kids I know, didn't had money. That I don't laugh." "just shut up and show your tattoo" "show yours" "come one yn. Just show it already" tomy says mad. "alright. Fuck you guys" you pull up your sleeve and the avengers see the deatheater mark. "what is that?" "did it hurt?" "waif is it moving" "stop screaming yn" you pull out your wand and make the mark stop moving. The pain also stops. "was nice to meet you, but we gotta go home. Come on crying baby" Tom says, takes you, while your shaking, by your wrist and disappears with you. "where did they go?" "what just happened?"

Sorry for spelling mistakes. I am tiered and to lazy to correct them. Night❤️

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