Solarwave gets captured

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Solarwave was out on patrol with Bumblebee, the two were quiet as they drove around. Solarwave let Bumblebee drive up front, she was so deep in thought she didn't see him break.

Slamming on her breaks she swerved trying not to hit him. When they stopped she was about to ask why he stopped suddenly, when she looked ahead. There stood many Vehicons, they all had their blasters out. Bumblebee transformed and got his blasters ready, Solarwave watched them all and side stepped as they began to blast at each other. Bumblebee had dodged the blasts pretty well until one hit his leg.

"Bumblebee!" She gasped.

"Not so fast femme" a voice said from behind her, making her freeze.

"Megatron..." she frowned.

Before she could try to get a hit on him, he grabbed her wrists. Twisting them, Solarwave cried in pain. Trying to pull away his grip tightened, she felt and heard the snap of her wrists being dislocated from her arms.

"BEE!" She screamed.

:Solarwave!: Bee tried to get up to help but another shot sent him to the ground.

Megatron watched the scout and laughed. He called for a ground bridge. He pulled the femme into the vortex, the Vehicons following behind them. As soon as their ground bridge closed another opened. Optimus, Bulkhead, Arcee and Smokescreen came rushing out. Optimus looked everywhere for his sister only to not see her.

"Bumblebee report" he said.

:cons, Megatron set a trap had the drones firing at me, while he snuck up on Solarwave....I was about to try and help her but another shot sent me to the ground: Bee said.

"....I'm glad your alright Bumblebee...but I fear for Solarwave, being their prisoner might stress her out. And stress hasn't been the best for her" Optimus said.

"We'll get her back prime" Bulkhead said.

"Yeah" Smokescreen nodded.


Solarwave was in a cell, sitting in a corner. She glared towards the door, and more so at anyone that came by. She was furious with Megatron, she wanted to hit him so bad. But with her wrists dislocated she couldn't really do much of anything.

The sound of walking got her attention, a small red mech stopped at her cell. He was humming a tune as he was punching in a code. When he entered three guards stood in the cell door to make sure nothing happened. Megatron had told Knockout to fix Solarwaves wrists and to leave her a cube of energon.

Knockout looked at the femme and sighed. Slowly walking over he set his tools down and knelt a few feet away from her. Solarwave kept her glare on him and the guards.

"My name is Knockout, and I'm here to fix your wrists" Knockout said.

"You work for Megatron...I'll make due with them like this" she said.

"Now don't be stupid femme, I can tell your in pain. Now why not let me help you hm?" Knockout said softly.

"....fine...not that it matters" she huffed as she let him come closer.

"Now what's your name hm?" He asked.

"Solarwave" she said.

"Solarwave? As in Solarwave prime?" Knockout asked shocked.

"....depends" she frowned.

"Megatron told us about you...I always thought there was just one prime. Optimus must be your brother hm?" Knockout said making small talk.

"Correct and he's the most amazing brother a femme could ask for" Solarwave said.

"I bet...there we go, that should do it. Try not to over use them for a little while" Knockout said as he got up.

"And a cube of energon for the lovely femme" Knockout added as he closed the cell door.

"...thank you Knockout.." she muttered.


Optimus was pacing back and forth. He wanted to go get his sister back, but he didn't know where the nemesis was at the moment. Ratchet was leaning against the computer, arms folded. He shook his helm watching the prime pace.

Everyone else was worried. Ratchet groaned as he marched up to the prime and tapped him on the helm with a wrench.

"Ow" Optimus simply said.

"Calm yourself! I'm sure she's fine, if she wasn't you'd feel what she felt over your sibling bond" Ratchet said.

"Your not wrong....but isn't it my job to worry about her?" Optimus asked.

"Yes but it's also your job to guide her, trust her, believe in believe she will be fine, trust she will return safely" Ratchet said.

"Your right" Optimus nodded.

"Wait wait wait...did Ratchet seriously just hit prime with a wrench?" Bulkhead asked.

"Your right he totally did!" Smokescreen said.

"Shocker" Arcee teased.

:oh our poor leader!: Bee cried.


"RUN AWAY!" Smokescreen bolted with Bumblebee and Bulkhead quick to follow.

Arcee chuckled as she walked off else where. The kids were still processing what had happened. Magnus had returned from patrol and saw the kids as if they were statues.

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