Answer to Solarwaves name

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Solarwave sighed as she walked down the halls, not really doing much. One thought kept her tuned out to the world all thanks to Miko. Her name, why did her name have wave in it?. Was she related to Shockwave or Soundwave?.

She didn't see who was ahead of her or where she was going and bumped into a tall mech with red armour.

"Optimus! Sorry I didn't see you" she said.

"How can you not see him? he's huge!" Wheeljack joked.


"OW!" The wrecker rubbed his helm.

"I was deep in thought I don't pay attention to where I'm going when that happens" Solarwave said.

"It is alright Solarwave, no harm done to either us" Optimus smiled.

Solarwave looked around and didn't see the kids, she took a deep breath and closed her optics. She opened her light blue optics and looked at her brother.

"Why do I have wave in my name? Why did carrier give me a name with wave?" She asked.

"Sigh.....Miko said something didn't she?" Optimus asked with a frown.

"I don't think she meant harm by asking, but it really got me thinking....are we related to both or either Soundwave or Shockwave?" Solarwave asked.

".....We are related to one yes, there were two wave families....there was a fliers family with wave and a ground family with wave" Optimus said.

"I knew they were different families I told you!" Bulkhead said to Wheeljack.

"Eh" the white wrecker shrugged.

"Which are we related to? I'd hate to find out it was shockwave....he creeps me out" Solarwave shivered at the thought.

"No we are.....excuse me, I think Fowler has arrived" Optimus said.

"'s soundwave isn't it?" She said quietly.

Optimus froze for a second before walking the the elevator to meet the human on the roof. Solarwave sighed knowing the answer.

"If he's related why did he try to abduct me?" She whispered.

"He was only following orders, I'm sure if he had a choice he would refuse" ratchet said.

"I hope your right" she smiled at the medic.

(Time skip)

Miko was blasted the base with a thousand questions about Soundwave, ratchet nearly lost his mind if Optimus hadn't taken the girl outside to calm her down.

Bulkhead sighed as he looked over to a dark corner seeing Solarwave still huddled up, hugging her knees to her chest. Light blue optics dimmed as she was again deep in thought.

When Optimus came in he looked over at his sister and shook his head, knowing it was time to tell her about that side of the family.

"Solarwave, carrier gave you that name because she wished to carry on her family name" he said walking over.

"What? Carrier was a flyer?" Solarwave asked shocked.

"Yes....she fell in love with our sire and left her home, and her family to be with the one she loved, it's one reason we aren't afraid to be up high." He said to her kneeling down.

"But.....what is Soundwave to us?" She asked.

"A cousin.....her sisters son" Optimus said as he looked back to Ratchet who walked over.

"One day a transporter ship crashed and her wings got crushed, so she had them removed. It took her ages to get used to being what the air class calls grounded" Ratchet said.

"So....our frame kinda took after sire? She got no fliers to inherit that side of her life?" Solarwave asked.

"Yes....sure wished they had one who could fly so she had something to give from her family's side but she made due with having us and giving us those memories and stories" Optimus smiled.

Solarwave was silent and she smiled, it explained so much. Maybe Soundwave didn't remember they were family. Optimus stood up and held out his servo to her.

Solarwave took the servo and pulled herself up, her smile still on her face. Now she understood her name, why it had wave in it. And why her carrier always looked at the sky.

"I'm happy to have my name the way it is, and I'm happy carrier gave me this carry on the wave name in our half of the family" she said.

"She knew you would be the one to bring our families back together again" Optimus said.

"Wait how do I do that?" She asked.

"You'll me" Optimus winked at her and left to stand by Ratchet to talk.

"I can't believe your related to that silent killer" Arcee muttered.

"Leave Soundwave alone.....if it's one thing I don't tolerate is misjudgment on others who don't deserve it" she frowned standing up to Arcee.

"Your cousin is a Decepticon! A killer! He has tried to eliminate us" Arcee argued back.

"HES STILL FAMILY AND FAMILY HELPS AND LOOKS OUT FOR ONE ANO-.....ow..." she whispered holding her chest.

"SOLARWAVE! Is it your spark? Is it hurting again?" Ratchet asked by her side in a second, Optimus on her other side.

"C-can't....hurts.." Solarwave whimpered.

"Optimus take her to her room, she can get hooked up there where no one can bug her, I knew this would happen" Ratchet said gathering a few things.

"What?" Raf asked.

"Once the reason behind her name was known she'd get stressed out fighting with someone about it and her spark would act up....thank you Arcee, as if it doesn't bother her enough on a daily basis" Ratchet frowned rushing down the hall.

"Still her cousin is a con" Arcee said.

"Oh cmon's Optimus' cousin to, what are you gonna fight with him about it to?" Bulkhead asked.

"No....but....forget it" she frowned leaving the base.

I'm Solarwave a room Ratchet had a stand set up and a energon line running into the femmes life lines. He made sure it was fully working and a small monitor set up over her spark chamber was on before he left.

His monitor gave him results after every minute scan, he never did things half way no he did his down right best for that femme. Optimus was his oldest friend and Solarwave was like a sister to him even if she wasn't really his sister, she felt like one to him.

"Just rest Solarwave....relax and your spark will stop hurting" Ratchet said softly to himself.

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