Out for a Dirve

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Solarwave was outside happily driving down the road. She had Bumblebee with her. The two begged Optimus to go out for a drive. And the Prime just couldn't say no to them.

Now they were talking casually as they drove, doing scouting while they drove. It couldn't hurt to do some work while on a harmless drive right?.

Above them someone was following them. Or more Bumblebee, they were sure about the aqua semi ahead of the scout.

Soundwave quietly flew above them, watching. And when he checked the truck it was another Autobot. The one Megatron wanted.

He picked up speed and fired at them. Lazerbeak dispatched from him and went ahead of him continuing to fire.

:Solarwave! Go into the forest: Bee said leading the femme from the road.

Solarwave followed the scout, checking her mirrors watching the small bot following them. She looked behind the small one to see a jet.

"Bee who is that up in the sky?" She asked.

:Soundwave! Keep going, we'll lose them in the forest: Bee said picking up speed.

"Right" she said going a little faster.


Ratchet saw that Bumblebee and Solarwave were quickly retreating from something, he checked the signal and found it was Soundwave.

"OPTIMUS!" He yelled.


The two made it to the forest and drove under the trees. Trying to lose Soundwave, but that was proving to be a little difficult.

Finally they didn't hear Lazerbeak or see Soundwaves signal behind them. They slowed to a stop and waited. Transforming they looked around.

"I don't see anything" Solarwave said.

:He don't give up that easily, something happened: Bee said going back.

"Where are you going?! We should keep going forward!" Solarwave said running up to the scout.

:True but....what if the team stopped him, they may need help: bee said running off.

"Bee! Sigh...Optimus won't be happy about this" she said chasing the scout again.

When they found Soundwave he was indeed invaded in a fight. A fight with Optimus himself, the two were throwing punches and firing their blasters at each other.

Soundwave kicked Optimus down and was about to shoot again when Solarwave ran out and tackled the silent mech to the ground.

"Solarwave" Optimus said relieved she was safe.

Bee rushed over and tackled the mech fighting him next. Solarwave helped her brother to his feet, looked over to see Soundwave pick the scout up and throw him.

"What do you want Soundwave?" Optimus asked.

".......'Find Solarwave and bring her to me, I want that femme alive!'..." A voice recording played.

"Megatron will not have her, not now not ever" Optimus said.

"...Optimus Prime: will not be able to protect forever, Solarwave: will be caught eventually" Soundwave said quickly transforming and flew away.

"I suppose this means our drive is done?" Solarwave asked.

"No....I will drive with you. Bumblebee go back to base and get checked" Optimus said looking at his scout.

:Right!: Bee said driving back to base.

The two siblings transformed and went back to the road, continuing the drive. It had been awhile since she drove with her brother. She was happy he was taking the time to drive with her.

She looked behind to see him just follow behind her. He was quiet, she wasn't sure if he was mad or just thinking about what Soundwave said.

"Optimus?" She called.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"....I'm fine..just thinking is all" he said.

Solarwave wasn't sure if she wanted to believe that but she did. For now anyway, but for the time being she decided not to push.

They drove in silence for some time before going back to base. The kids watched them drive in through the ground bridge and transform, the prime had dents in his armour as Solarwave went to lean on the wall.

Ratchet took Optimus to remove the dents, looking back at Solarwave. She frowned and looked away, she knew Optimus got hurt because of her. Quickly leaving to go to her room, Bumblebee tried to call out to her but she kept walking.

"He got hurt because of me....it's my fault, he could have been killed" she whispered to herself.

"It was not your fault! He's your big brother, it's his job to protect you. Do you understand?" Ratchet asked from behind her.

"But what if he protects me again and he dies!?" Solarwave asked fighting to keep the tears in.

"Optimus isn't going to die that easily, if Megatron hasn't ended him yet let that be proof" Ratchet smiled.

"....alright....but...I think from now on I'll stay in base, for a while" Solarwave said.

"If that's what you want, just don't lock yourself away Solarwave ok" Ratchet asked with a sad frown.

"....Yeah...thank you Ratchet she smiled at him.

Ratchet watched her go in her room, he sighed as he went back to the others. He had known the femme for years. So he knew that every time optimus got hurt for protecting her she blamed herself.

He entered the main hanger and saw the others, optimus back on his feet again at the monitors. Frown on his face. Ratchet shook his helm and went back to work on something, anything.

Optimus was trying to think of a way to keep Solarwave out of Megatronus hands. How to protect her without making her sad.

(Sorry if this is a bit sappy and all, hope to do better later on in the chapters)

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