Finding Optimus

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Solarwave Prime not many knew she was a prime, her life was kept a secret that she was the second prime before the war.

Orion pax her brother now Optimus Prime, they had become primes at the same time. she had found herself on a new planet called earth.

Her beautiful sleek aqua blue frame was covered in dust and mud. Her pedes coated in mud, and her energon levels low.

She was trying to find her brother, trying to find a place she could call home. But sadly she always had to keep moving.

Her vehicle form was a semi just like her brother she figured it was easy to keep the same alt due to her size.

Sure she wasn't as large as Optimus or Megatron but she was half their size. She had dark blue highlights and pedes with wedge like heals.

"Where is he?.....HOW HARD CAN IT BE TO FIND SOMEONE?!" Solarwave yelled, thankful it was night and was in a location where no humans walked.

She sighed sitting down and looked up, her tanks growled in hunger as her servo rested on her abdomen.

"I wish brother was here rate now" solarwave frowned looking at the stars.

"This is a surprise" a voice said from behind her.

Solarwave whipped her helm around to see Megatron standing a few feet away from her. She jumped up and took a few steps back.

"Megatron!" She growled.

"How nice of you to remember me Solarwave, unlike your brother Orion" Megatron smirked.

"He is no longer Orion and you know that! His new name is Optimus, I miss his old self but he's still the same mech and amazing brother I've loved since I was born" Solarwave said.

"Touching.....alright choose Solarwave, join me or them...choose them I will not hesitate to end you. Join me however and you'll be protected" the warlord said.

" what do I choose?....well let's see here I choose NOT YOU!" Solarwave yelled running into the woods.

"SOLARWAVE!" Megatron shouted giving chase to her.

"Still got that temper megs, anger blinds you heheh" Solarwave laughed jumping over a fallen tree.

She watched a ground bridge open up and she skidded to a stop, Megatron far behind her so she wasn't worried about him at the moment.

She watched three mechs step out of the bridge and stand there looking around. Then she heard Megatron getting closer.

"SOLARWAVE!" He yelled.

The three looked over to her and the biggest one took a step towards her. Servo stretched out.

"Solarwave?" He asked.

"Wait a minute....OPTIMUS!" She smiled running up to him giving him a big hug, the Prime hugging her in return.

"It has been so long since I last saw you" Optimus said.

"No kidding...don't leave me alone again" Solarwave said.

"I won't, come before Megatron catches up to you" Optimus said leading her into the bridge.


Solarwave stood behind her brother as Arcee was staring at her with a unhappy look. Ratchet however was very happy to see her.

The others didn't know her that well aside from Bumblebee who was her best friend. He would always go out with her for walks or drives back on Cybertron.

"Autobots, this is Solarwave, my sister" Optimus said.

"Sister?!" The others exclaimed.

"That's right this is Solarwave Prime, our second Prime" Ratchet said.

:wait wait wait! She's a Prime to?: Bumblebee asked.

"Yes, the senate decided it was best to keep it a secret to protect her in case I failed to stop the war" Optimus said.

"So we actually have two Primes? Yet she doesn't act like a Prime, the total opposite of you" Arcee said.

"That May be, but she does not need to worry about acting like a Prime yet until I'm gone" Optimus said.

"When was she made a Prime?" Bulkhead asked.

"The same time as me, the matrix split when I became a Prime, connecting through our bond as siblings, when the senate found out she was sworn to keep her title a secret" Optimus said as he looked over his shoulder at his sister.

"So where was she all this time?" Arcee asked.

"Believe it or not I was lost here on this planet. I was looking for him for a while, if this mess on my frame is anything to go by" Solarwave said pointing to the mud.

"Well Bumblebee will show you to the washracks to wash up, go on" Ratchet said shooing they two off.

"I never would have thought Optimus had a sibling, and a sister at that" Miko said finally.

"She was always kept inside a lot, she....has had a lot of health issues growing up" Optimus said.

"Like what?" Jack asked.

"Her spark, it's not as strong as others, so she loses energy very quickly I feared her having to fight in this war, that something would happen and she'd be finished by the enemy" Optimus said walking off down a hall.

"Her spark sometimes goes so weak you'd swear she was going to offline, she has improved here and there, she has good days" Ratchet said.

"Then why was she made a Prime if she was so weak?" Arcee asked.

"It wasn't her choice, like Optimus said the matrix split, it chose them both!" Ratchet snapped.

"Will she get better?" Raf asked.

"That is yet to be determined, she could get stronger and grow out of this, or it'll just continue to make her suffer to the point she gives up on life" Ratchet frowned.

"I won't give up on life that easily Ratchet, you know that" Solarwave smiles from the hallway.

"How much of that did you hear?" Ratchet asked.

"All of it, but seriously I'll be fine. Yes my spark still gives me trouble now and then but I don't let it get me down, I just have to be careful" she smiled at the medic.

Ratchet walked over to the femme and gave her a hug. Bumblebee walked passed them and up to the others. Arcee frowned but gave up on the matter.

"Welcome to the base Solarwave" she said.

".....Thank you" Solarwave nodded watching Arcee go up to the roof.

Transformers Prime Optimus' sisterWhere stories live. Discover now