Solarwaves gets hurt

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Solarwave has been on berth rest for four days now. She hated how weak her spark was and how it always made Optimus and Ratchet worry so much. The two mechs were so busy as it was with the war and her adding her health issues just added on to their stress.

She sighed as she closed her optics and lifted her servo that had the energon drip into her lifeline, looking at the drip she frowned. She had always spent most of her time in medical care.

"Why am I so weak?.....I can't really fight, I can't even argue without my spark starting to fail on me. Primus why did you make me so weak?" She said aloud.

"Solarwave are you awake?" Optimus asked knocking on the door.

"Yes...I'm awake" she answered.

"How are you feeling Solarwave?" Optimus asked walking over to the berth.

"Fine I guess.....I'm sorry to be making you worry like this" Solarwave said.

"Worry....Solarwave your my sister, of course I worry about you and your Health. It's my job as your brother, and Ratchet loves you like your his sister to. And being a medic they tend to care and worry for the ones they are looking out for" Optimus said.

"I know but.....I'm only distracting you from the war, what if you end up fighting and your processor is on me you'll get hurt again" she frowned.

"You let me worry about that, you just worry on getting better ok?" He said with a kind smile.

" long as your femme doesn't say anything again" Solarwave pouted.

"Ratchet gave her a lecture about the subject, she is not to say anything negative to you, and if she does there will be consequences....I don't know what but Ratchet made that promise" Optimus said as he gave a distant look.

"Wow if it's a promise from Ratchet you'd want to listen heheh" Solarwave laughed as she watched Optimus smile.

Optimus stood up and took his leave so his sister could rest, Solarwave sat up and reached for a datapad. Turning it on she began to read more of the novel Ratchet had gave her that survived the war on Cybertron.

She enjoyed reading just as much as protecting others, her mind then went to the past when her, Optimus when he was Orion, and Megatron used to sit in a shady spot in the crystal gardens and read books together, then mock them when they read something funny or stupid.

Solarwave put the datapad down and looked to a picture of the three of them that she always carried with her that now sat on her nightstand. She wondered if the old Megatron was still there somewhere deep within Megatrons Spark.

"I hope the old you is still there somewhere Megatron.....I really do" she said softly going back to reading.

(Main room)

Ratchet was at the monitors watching all who were out on patrols and Arcee who was at the school with the kids. He frowned as he looked at the scan results that came back to him. He smiled as he saw she was starting to get some strength back.

"Did you get more results?" Optimus asked.

"I did, and I like what I'm seeing...she should be able to move around again in a day or two" Ratchet said as he faced his friend.

"I'm glad to hear that, and I'm sure Solarwave will be happy to, do you wish to tell her?" Optimus asked.

"Are you sure? You are her brother" Ratchet said.

"And you a close friend" Optimus smiled.

" them for me" Ratchet said as he made his way to the hall.

Optimus shook his helm and let watch on the life signals on the screens. He frowned as he saw Smokescreen and Bumblebee getting a lot of followers. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were told to head that way, and so he opened the ground bridge quickly and ran through to help them.

"OPTIMUS!" Solarwave screamed.

"What?! He's in the main room watching the monitors" Ratchet said.

"No, no no no no he isn't, he rushed out...out of base" the femme said.

"What!? Can you tell me why?" The medic asked.

"To help Bumblebee and Smokescreen with a huge wave of Decepticons that are heading their way" she frowned.

"Ok ok, relax...I'll bridge the wreckers back and send them to the others" Ratchet rushed out of the room.


Optimus saw Bulkhead and Wheeljack get bridged to their location, he knew Solarwave told Ratchet. But what he didn't see was the femme sneak out of the ground bridge.

Ratchet didn't even see her, and was to busy watching on the screen until he saw her signal out in the field. He panicked and screamed at all the others to look for her.

Optimus saw her hiding behind a tree, he dodged a fist to the face and shot the vehicon. Then about five others faced him at once. Pointing their blasters at him.

"NO!" Solarwave cried rushing out in front of him to get hit by all the Vehicons instead.

"SOLARWAVE!" Optimus shouted.

The others all flinched when he shouted. The bots all saw the femme on the ground bleeding. The five Vehicons rushed away. The rest following, but they knew once Megatron found out they'd be beaten to death for hurting her.

Optimus sat on his knees looking at his sister. His mask still in place, he picked her up and held her close. She made a pained gasp as she was moved.

"Ratchet we need an immediate ground bridge" Optimus said.


"How did this happen?" Ratchet asked as he got what he needed out.

"Five Vehicons shot her" Bulkhead said.

"Five? Why'd she face five?" Ratchet asked.

"She didn't...she jumped in front of Optimus to protect him" Wheeljack said.

Ratchet was silent. He frowned as he got to work to save her life. Optimus stood by a wall close enough he could keep optic on her. Arcee came in carrying all three children.

Once they got off she transformed. Stretching her limbs, the kids all saw the sad looks the mechs had on their faces.

"Why didn't you two show up for your charges?" Arcee asked.

"We couldn't, we were in a fight" Bulkhead said.

"With cons?" She asked.

"Yup, they got Solarwave to" Bulkhead motioned you the still femme.

"Why'd she go out if she couldn't fight?" Arcee asked.

"She snuck out, and jumped to save her brother from getting shot by five Vehicons at the same time...she saved our leader!" Wheeljack barked at her.

"Ok ok I get it....but how did she sneak past Ratchet? No one can sneak by him that easily" Arcee said.

"Because I was to focused on all of them! Now shut up!" Ratchet snapped.

"Wow Ratchet is mad" Miko whispered.

"Yeah best not big him or Optimus rate now" Jack said.

"Agreed" Miko and Raf nodded.

Ratchet was so determined to fix the femme, to save her life so she didn't die young. And he was willing to work late into the night if he had to.

Optimus left to go to his room, sitting on his berth he put his helm in his servos. A long sigh escaping his mouth.

"Please Primus...don't take her away yet" Optimus said quietly.

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