8. Me As A Person?😐

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"why would you wanna know that?" I asked and he just shrugged his shoulders and I let out a sigh before speaking "I'm Damian Carter. My last name has a lot of leverage. For example it's Beyonce and Jay-Z's last name too but there's no relation, my parents make billions a year, being the figures that they are. So naturally everyone expects me to be able to abtain greatness as well and that's a lot of fucking pressure for a teenager you know. I don't really have a lot of support systems in my family cause my parents are absent which also adds on to the insecurities that I have cause no matter how much I try, I can never bring them home. Even on my birthday, which is one of the reasons Layla and I are so close cause we both can relate to that. So now you know, my life is actually a mess and you're the only one who knows so yeah. That's Damian the person. A super rich kid with a heavy surname but is slowly dying inside because of insecurities and the deep desire to be enough." I ranted and he paid attention

He then surprisingly pulled me into a comforting hug. I wasn't gonna allow myself to cry over my own life but it still felt nice. I hugged him back and we pulled apart after a few seconds."okay enough about me and my depressing life. Tell me about you as a person" I said, looking at him "well I'm the son of a very successful neural surgeon so she expects a lot out of me too but it's not too suffocating. I'm bisexual...." he confessed 'shit, he said it' I raised my eyebrows acting surprised like I didn't already know  "I never would have guessed" I acted but not very convincingly clearly "alright how'd you know" he asked lifting a brow 'great job Damian. You deserve an Oscar for that performance bitch' I thought to myself 'I can't out his mom so I need to think of something fast' "lucky guess" I said 'really bitch. Really' I mentally smacked myself upside the head "you were also getting really cozy with the only gay at school soooo..." I followed up pretty quickly "and does me getting cozy bother you?" he asks lowly, wait does it bother me? I don't think so. I think I'm pretty cozy with him too if I'm being honest. Let's be real, if I had a problem with it I wouldn't be at his house this early in his bed so I shook my head no "nah I like how cozy we are" I said. He smile then he picked up his phone and his smile fell "what's wrong?" I asked and he looked up at me "it's almost 12. meaning I have to leave soon" he said disappointedly "I thought practice started at 2?" I asked and he nodded "it does but the guys and I wanted to warmup before it starts so I have to be there at 12:30" he said sounding disappointed "I'd feel bad if I leave you here alone" he said looking down at his hands "how 'bout I come with you and hang around 'til practice starts. Then I'll go over to Layla's 'til it's over" I said optimistically "you would do that?" he asked "why wouldn't I" I said "then that sounds like a plan. I think it's best if we get changed now. You first" he says, I nod and climb of the bed, being careful of my hand and walked in the closet

I put on the outfit I had on earlier then at myself in the mirror and fixed my curls a little bit and readjusted my chain then I was done. I walked out and looked him and said "remind me to take you jewelry shopping" he looked up from his phone "hey I have jewelry" he said back "a couple of watches ain't gonna cut it Marcus. Jewelry is something that completes all outfits by making it something more" I said as I sat on the bed and tyde my laces and he walked past me and into the closet "whatever you say babe" he said, jokingly but I ignored it. He came out wearing a blush pink hoodie and white shorts with socks and slides. "let's go babe" he joked and held out his hand. "I will kick you" I said but against my better judgment, I still held his hand with my good hand for some reason and we walked down the stairs, outside and over to the driveway

"so I guess we're taking both cars?" I asked and he shook his head no "why not? I need to go to layla's anyway" I said as he pulled me over to his Grey mustang convertible "I'll drop you off at layla's" he said as he opened the door for me then moving over to his side and then drove off

We're about 15 minutes away from school and the time was 12pm so we'll be on time. "I have a question" I said "hit me" he says "so why don't you tell people about you being bi? Are you afraid of their reactions" I asked making him chuckle "if my mom accepts me, I don't care. I don't need anyones validation but I haven't told them cause they don't ask" he responded and I smiled "so when are we going jewelry shopping?" he said facing me for a second then looking at the road again "after the game but we're only going if you win" I said "deal" he said and we shook on it. Minutes later we pulled into the school parking lot and I noticed my cousins car was here, which is weird cause she goes to Malibu but I'm happy I might see her.

We walk in the school at 12:20 and head over to the locker room so he can get changed. I'm sitting on the bench in the locker room while Marcus is changing on the other side of the wall so I can't see him. "can you hurry up I don't have all day" I say jokingly "well I can always walk out naked." he returns "no nevermind. You win" I said with a Slight blush on my face

He walked back around the wall and walked over to his locker that I was sitting in front of. He opened his locker and put his neatly folded clothes inside then closed it and sat next to me "you know you're a lot cleaner than most of the guys on the team" I complimented "thanks I just take 2 showers a day-" he started before I cut him off "-not clean like that. I just mean you're tidyer then most guys on the team and in general" I said and he laughed "I know" he said and I playfully punched his arm then crossed my arms like a kid "okay, okay I'm sorry. But thank you" he and I ignored him still pouting "you can't ignore me forever" he said as he stretched his hand out and lightly tickled my side which made me jump "okay fine you win" I said giggling.

We got over to the field and we separated as I headed to the bleachers to watch the practice. I arrived at the bleachers and saw Jordan talking to Ripley.

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