17. The Complication😔

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I was so focused on ignoring the fine ass man that was staring at me the entire trip that I didn't even realize that we were at the gate of the estate. The gate slowly opens and I remove my headphones that I forgot to charge. Yup that's right, they died after the 2nd time I listened to ganja burn and I had to pretend that they were still on even though I wasn't doing the best job but whatever. We're driving up the incredibly long driveway and I'm just admiring all our beautiful greenery. I've only been here once, when my parents first bought it about 2 years ago. We spent the night and they left the next morning cause they had important business to attend to and I didn't wanna be here alone so I left the same day. The car came to a stop and everybody was already out I was still just lost in my own thoughts "are you good back there, Mr Carter?" the driver asked me "huh? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah I'm perfectly fine and please, you can call me Damian" I said "okay Damian, I'm Myles by the way" he says with a smile on his beautiful face and I smiled back showing off my dimples "so Damian, are you by any chance single?" he asked me, I like his confidence and how direct he is. But alas, I've had enough boy drama for this year "it's still pretty complicated" I said to him which wasn't a total lie, I guess "well, how about you take my number and I'll take yours and then you can call me when it's not complicated anymore?" he proposed "but I'm not from Newport, I'm just here for the weekend" I said as I put my number in his phone "I'm not from here either, I'm from LA too. Just here for college and shit but I go back there very often" he says as I passed him my phone for him to put his number in before we swapped back our phones "so if you're in college, why are you driving people around?" I asked having no filter "well everybody needs a side hussle, I don't wanna depend on my parents for everything even though they are more than capable of taking care of me, my kids and my kids', kids' kids" he says flashing his pearly whites, I took a quick look at the time and it's almost 1am "it's pretty late, I should get going" I said to him "yeah and I gotta head back to the airport to pick up the rest of your friends" he says back to me with a smile "well then, I guess I'll see you around" I said as I stepped out of the car "I hope so" he says before driving off. I stood and waited for him to leave the gate and went inside when he was gone

When I got inside the house patience and coop were standing in the living room with their bags on the floor "what's up guys?" i asked "we don't know where we're sleeping" coop says to me "well why don't yall just find a room that's empty" I said laughing to myself "oh so this ain't like an assigned rooms type of thing?" patience asked "nope, finder's keepers" I responded "aw man, that probably means we got the worst room" coop said to her girlfriend as they picked up their bags "thanks D'" patience says to me before they walk of into the house to find a room. Now that, that's settled. Where is my luggage? "I brought all your stuff in" I heard a voice from behind me and it just so happened to be the person I'm avoiding standing on the last 2 steps about to come down and I stayed quiet "I put it in my room since yours was locked" he says and I nod my head in response before attempting to walk past him on the stairs. When I reach the stair he is on, he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and he held me close "can you please speak to me?..... " he pleaded "tell me what I did wrong so I can apologize D'. I don't want you to avoid me forever. Say something, literally anything Damian" he continues to plead and its hard for me not to hug him back especially cause this is an amazing hug "please let me go" I said politely but still very blankly "is that what you really want?" he asked and I stayed silent. I didn't want him to stop hugging me but I also don't want to be around him right now so I really don't know. "just tell me what's wrong Damian" he states "I want you to let me go" I finally said, this time a little less politely "alright" was all I heard before he let me go and moved to the side giving me space. I stood there, frozen for a few seconds just looking at the floor before taking a glance at him. He was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed as we made eye contact "I have feelings for you Damian. I like you, a lot. More than you could ever know that's why it's hurting me so much that you're so mad at me that you won't even touch me, much less talk to me" he confessed his feelings 'he does like me, but Amber is still a factor' I thought to myself "you can't have feelings for 2 people at once Markus" I said before proceeding up the stairs to my room, leaving my stuff in his room for the night. I closed my room door and went into the master bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I look a little flustered but other than that I'm good. I was pretty harsh but I'm not gonna think about it now. As I unzipped the onezie and tied the arms around my waist, music was blaring through the house and I guess the party started. Am I up for a party right now? Sure, why not.

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