I- Just shut up

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"From what we can see, after numerous warnings, we have decided to force the links. From now on, and for 48 hours, you will be handcuffed with a random person from the opposite class to you."

Every single boy started to shout in disappointment and anger. Where did that shit came from ? Why would they do that?

"I do not need your comments. So, we are going to start giving you the pairings. If you have anything to say about it, then come to my office so I can double the 48 hours period. Okay, we are going to call you. You'll then come to us and Mrs. Sun is going to handcuff you two. And again, I do not need your comments."

Ryan Nguyen and Sebastian Moy were both from opposite classrooms. They didn't know each other. Then they heard their names.
"Ryan Nguyen and Sebastian Moy. Please come here."

They lazily walked to the principal and looked at each other. They just looked away and got handcuffed. Sebastian decided to walk away so Ryan had to.
"Hey, it hurts. Walk slower."
"You're the one that has to walk faster. I do not have time for you."

Ryan sighed and knew that he was going to spend the worst next 48 hours of his life. He just followed him into the classroom. They had to share the classes so they just sat next to each other. They didn't talk once, not even to ask for a pen.

At the end of the day, they obviously couldn't stay in separated houses.
"Let's go to my house."
"Wait. Why would I ?"
"Do you have any other proposition, Ryan ?"

Ryan suddenly remembered that he was living with his parents.

"Mh." He just said, pissed.
"You know, you don't have to be that disrespectful."
"Are for real ? You are the only one that just kept being rude and pissing off since the beginning, so don't you say I'm disrespectful."
"Wow... okay, just calm down, I'm sorry."

Ryan didn't even answer, he was upset and knew that he was about to spend 48 hours with a jerk. Seb walked to the house and Ryan followed him. He didn't have the time to complain. Then a crosswalk arrived and Seb, who was walking first, looked on the road, and grabbed Ryan's hand. Ryan didn't know what to do, at this moment, but he followed.

Seb didn't seem do be bothered or anything, he was walking like that, grabbing Ryan's hand. It felt like it was some kind of habit for him, he was spontaneous.

"I can walk without your help." Ryan said as he got off of him.
"My bad."

Seb brought Ryan to a place he didn't know at all. They were walking for about ten minutes and his legs started to hurt. He was wondering how he could walk this much everyday to go to school.
"Mh.. with such muscled legs.." Ryan said out loud, unconsciously.
"What did you just say ?"
"Hum... never mind. Sorry." Ryan said, embarrased as hell.

They finally arrived in front of a small -not that small- house.

"That's it. My house." Seb said with a little smile.
"Hum.. okay. I got a bigger house any-"
"Just shut up." Seb said.

Seb walked first and Ryan followed him inside the house. It was such a clean house. And overall it wasn't so small. Ryan was quite impressed.
"Are you trying to tell me that a guy like you.. cleans his house ? You must be joking."
"What are you talking about ? You don't even know me. I'm such a clean guy."
"Mh.. I believe you. Now please show me your kitchen so I can eat and go to sleep. Time will pass faster."
"As you wish."

Seb walked to the kitchen followed by Ryan and looked inside the fridge, the younger behind him.
"Fuck." They said at the same time.
There was no food inside.

"Well... I think we don't have the choice. Let's eat out." Seb said, as if he was guilty for not having any food.
"Only because I'm hungry"

Seb was about to answer when his phone rang. He grabbed it in his pocket. He didn't see what was written on the screen.

He answered.
"Hello, Kate ? How are you ?"

He started talking to her while Ryan was bored. He kinda felt frustrated for not having his full attention anymore. It was kinda funny, that 'I hate u' relationship. Seeing how Seb was smiling, just hearing her voice, he knew that he really liked the one he was talking to right now.

"Okay, I know where I'm gonna take you out."
"It feels like you're talking about a date, ew."
"No one talked about a date, it feels like you want it to be a date."
"What ? No... you're disgusting."

Seb approached him and walked closer to him so their faces were 10 cm (~3,9 inches) apart.
"You're really cute." He said as he let Ryan go.

Ryan definitely could not figure out why his heart was beating so fast.

"Let's go."

Seb was walking next to Ryan in the streets, then they saw a restaurant.
"Here it is."
"Wait.. that's a fucking rich restaurant."
"Come on, I got the money."
"If you say so."

They went inside and sat at a table. They put their handcuffed hands on the table and waited. They were face to face, now it was really looking like a date. They instantly heard whispers around them.

"What the hell is that ?" Ryan asked, not having a clue.

Seb was smiling as he saw the people around.
"They think we're together."
"Together what ?"
"Together, like, a couple."

Ryan suddenly understood.
"Why are you smiling, you dumbass." He said.
Hope you enjoyed it !

48 Hours Handcuffed - A Sebryan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now