Chapter 1- Part 1

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                       Bristlekit's POV

     The icy wind blew through the nursery causing a tiny dust-grey kit to shiver. The kit bristled the second time the wind blew, slowly she blinked open her eyes. She looked around her making sure everyone else was still asleep before she wobbled to her paws and pulled herself through the nursery entrance. She snuck towards the entrance of the hollow that her clan lived in. She was just about to go through the gorse tunnel entrance when she got grabbed by the scruff from behind.

"And just where do you think you're going Bristlekit?" The voice of a Tom, Bristlekit knew very well whispered throughher fur.

"Jayfeather! Let go of me!" Bristlekit squealed with mrrow of laughter that he caught me once again.

"I wouldn't have to grab you by the scruff if you would quit trying to leave camp," He mockingly scolded me, as she purred.

"Maybe you should let me go just this once, please Jayfeather," Bristlekit wiggled trying to get out of his grasp, there was no use she was too small, "I wouldn't try to leave so much if you would just let me go once," she retorted as Jayfeather sat her back down. Bristlekit turned to face him as he rolled his blind eyes. She stepped towards him, and buried her muzzle in his neck fur.

"Bristlekit, you know I can't do that. You're just barely a moon old; it's too dangerous to let you go." Jayfeather purred as he licked my head, knowing he won the argument because of her silence. Bristlekit nodded her head, knowing he was right. Jayfeather nudged her back towards the nursery. She didn't want to go back to the nursery yet. Bristlekit sighed and continued to walk. She had no choice but to listen to the ThunderClan medicine cat. Bristlekit flicked her tail in goodnight before she pulled herself through the nursery entrance. She curled back up beside her mother and brothers, carefully so she wouldn't wake them. She listened closely as Jayfeather went back to the medicine den as she drifted back to sleep. Once again the dreams started. Bristlekit blinked open her eyes, she wasn't in ThunderClan's nursery anymore. She's was dreaming she realized, Bristlekit sighed as she padded through a forest she never saw in the waking world. The old forest, the thought in her head was certain, she tilted her head in confusion I've never been here before how would I know that this is the old forest that the elders always talk about?  Suddenly she heard a rustle of leaves behind her, Bristlekit whirled around to see who was there. She saw no one, then she opened her mouth to taste the scents in the air. Cat! She crouched down defensively ready for anything.
"Come out!" Bristlekit hissed, "I know your there, I can hear you," her eyes widen with fear. What am I going to do? I don't know how to fight, what if I get attacked? A beautiful she-cat appeared through the brush of the forest, her pelt was grey and short-haired with a ton of black markings. Her eyes were dark amber, in the shadows, they almost looked red. She took another step towards Bristlekit and Bristlekit took a step back.
"Hello," the she-cat mewed, "I'm Ashfur, what's your name?" She tilted her head as she wait for an answer.
"I'm Angel!" Bristlekit growled. Oh no, this is another dream about Angel, a rouge. Why does StarClan insist on me dreaming about this cat and why am I her in my dreams?!
"Well, Angel, how about you and I be friends?" She asked, hope glittering in her eyes. Angel sniffed at Ashfur and decided to trust her.
"Okay, we can be friends!" Angel purred. She could sense that Ashfur meant no harm to her. Ashfur purred louder than Angel had ever heard and spooked her. Ashfur dipped her head apologetically before both the she-cats dashed into the forest. The forest began to fade as they ran then everything went black. Bristlekit knew better by now than to think she would wake up before she had several dreams. This time she blinked open her eyes she was in the mountains. She stiffened when she heard yowls from the nearby mountain trail that lead to the top where strange cats lived. This time Bristlekit bounded over toward the sound because she recognized a few of the voices. Bramblestar, Squirrelflight, and a few overs were there she wasn't aware of who they were just that they knew ThunderClan's leader and deputy. She waited patiently for them to get to where she was waiting. Bristlekit's eyes grew large when she saw that they looked much younger than in the waking world. A small grey tabby tom sniffed and turned his gaze towards her, Bristlekit gasped, Jayfeather! Oh, so this cat has met Jayfeather. This must have been the journey to the mountains that he was telling me about! She blinked in confusion, Jayfeather never told me about meeting someone in the mountains on the trail up. Young Jaypaw she guessed, was the first to realize she was there, his blind gaze turned towards Bramblestar, which she now realize was Brambleclaw at the time. That's when Brambleclaw noticed her, he jumped with a hiss and immediately crouched into a fighting position. Jaypaw nudged Brambleclaw on the shoulder to get him to calm down, Jaypaw knew that she would cause no harm.
"Who are you?" The young blind cat asked when the rest of the patrol had seen me.
"I am Angelkit," she answered. So that's who this she-cat is. Why is her name so similar to that cat in my last dream? Brambleclaw narrowed his eyes, suspicion glazed his eyes.
"How come you have an clan name, but you live in the mountains?" Brambleclaw interrogated.
"Because my parents named me Angel after a great cat that was part of Bloodclan. StarClan came to me in my dreams and called me Angelkit so that's what I go by," Bristlekit/Angelkit purred at Brambleclaw's reaction. He looked like he just got surprised and attacked by a kit while standing guard.
"How is it possible that you are named after a cat I used to know, and that StarClan walks with you in your dreams?" Brambleclaw disoriented mew whispered. Angelkit's tail twitched back and forth as she waited to see if he could guess.
"Because I am her, I am Darkangel," Angelkit announced when Brambleclaw was silent, "StarClan gave me a second chance to live and to be a ThunderClan warrior." Brambleclaw looked more stunned than he did at first while Jaypaw stepped towards her on shaky paws. Jaypaw closed his eyes and seemed like he was trying to focus. He's looking for your memories and your emotions, show him Angelkit. Angelkit felt something on her back, she turned to look, at a beautiful blue-grey she-cat with stars in her transparent pelt and eyes, Bluestar! She thought with certainty. A purr escaped Angelkit's throat as she turned back towards Jaypaw and closed her eyes as well, thinking about the memories from her first life, her current life, and every emotion she ever felt. When she finished she opened her eyes and watched as Jaypaw did the same, he dipped his head to his father to show that he trusted her.
"She's telling the truth, I can feel it," Jaypaw mewed looking at Squirrelflight, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw.
Brambleclaw shook his head as if to clear his confusion. He sat down next to Angelkit and offered her his tail, Angelkit purred as she intertwined their tails together just like Darkangel used to do. Brambleclaw purred as he rubbed his muzzle against her shoulder, finally convinced it was her.
Squirrelflight looked suspicious about this behavior narrowing her eyes at the two cats in front of her. Hollypaw and Lionpaw were meowing about how cool it was that Starclan gave her another chance.
"Will you come with us then?" Squirrelflight asked sharply. Brambleclaw stood up to stand next to Squirrelflight as he too waited for an answer. Jaypaw closed his eyes again, this time out of exhaustion.
"Of course!" Angelkit squealed like an excited, well, a kit. She took a deep breath before starting again, "That is if you'll have me." Calmly she curled her tail around her paws.
"I'm sure Firestar would love to have you in ThunderClan again!" Brambleclaw insured her. With a flick of his tail, the patrol and Angelkit traveled farther into the mountainscape. Bristlekit jolted awake. Taking a sigh of relief that her dreams were over. She was curious about the two cats, one was the original, the other the reborn of the first. Maybe I can ask Jayfeather and Bramblestar about them, after all, Jayfeather knew Angelkit, and Bramblestar knew Angel or wait, Darkangel. Bristlekit sighed once more as she looked around to find that the nursery was empty, she decided to find her mother and brothers as she slipped through the nursery entrance.


Authors Note*****
Hi, I would like to say thank you for reading! I would also like to say that chapter one is not finished I plan on adding more soon. Tell me what you think so far, just try to be nice this is my first time writing warrior cat fanfiction, or any story for that matter.

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