Chapter 1 - Part 3

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Bristlekit's POV

     Bristlekit started to dream again when she fell asleep in the medicine den. She woke up in a beautiful forest, the air was warm there was a cool breeze and the forest was perfect. Starclan, this is Starclan! Wow, it's so beautiful! Bristlekit thought. She glanced around her and she saw a puddle. She padded over to look inside of it. Her fur was white her eyes where blue, and she had a huge calico-colored patch on her back. I'm Angelfeather again. What's going to happen in this dream? She wondered.
"Angelfeather!" Called a she-cat behind her.
She turned around and saw a blue-grey she-cat. Bluestar again! She thought. Angelfeather/Bristlekit bounded over toward Bluestar and purr erupted from her throat.
"Bluestar! How are you?" She purred.
"I am doing well Angelfeather," Bluestar mewed calmly.
"Is it time Bluestar?" Angelfeather asked.
"Yes, dear one it is. Is everyone you chose to go now ready?" Bluestar asked.
"Yes, Redtail, Hollyleaf and Honeyfern have already went back a moon ago. Firestar and Pinestar told me their ready to go back when you say the word." Angelfeather informed her.
"Good. Good. Well then, I say the word, Angelfeather, get your chosen ones and head back through the seeing pool.
"Yes Bluestar." Angelfeather dipped her head to the honored cat.
Bluestar ran into the brush and disappeared. Angelfeather looked around and yowled a signal, two Tom's jumped out of the cover of the bushes and joined her ready for their mission.
"Bluestar said it was time, Firestar, Pinestar, are you ready?" Angelfeather greeted them.
"I can't wait to go home Angelfeather," purred a flame-colored tom.
"Ready as I'll ever be," a dark colored tom with green eyes mewed softly.
"Then let's go home. ThunderClan here we come." Angelfeather mewed, determined to accomplish what she was sent to do. The three cats ran and jumped into a pool of water that overlooked the Clans, they disappeared in a flash of glowing light. Bristlekit wake up to the sound of her mother and father voices in a serious discussion just outside the medicine den.
"Jayfeather lied?!" Hissed Bristlekit's father Lionblaze.
"Yes, Bristlekit is fine she shows no sign of a cold," her mother mewed solemnly.
"Why would he lie?" Lionblaze's voice was confused and worried.
"I don't know Lionblaze, he's your brother maybe you should ask him," Cinderheart suggested.
Lionblaze nodded and padded away to Jayfeather. Cinderheart entered the medicine den and saw her kit awake. Cinderheart purred to see her beautiful kit, but Bristlekit's fur started to stand on her shoulders. Seeing Bristlekit angry, Cinderheart knew her daughter heard how mad they were at Jayfeather.
"I know your mad at us because we're mad at Jayfeather, but we have our reasons Bristlekit," Cinderheart whispered in a gentle way.
"I don't care that he lied!" Bristlekit hissed, "He did it for me!"
"What do you mean he lied for you?" Cinderheart blinked in confusion.
"My dreams mother, they leave me exhausted! The dreams that caused you to name me Bristlekit!" She yowled.
Cinderheart eyes grew with understanding, for she used to have dreams too, the memories of Cinderpelt one of the former medicine cats. Concern overwhelmed Cinderheart. My poor kit, she's just like me! It's all my fault! She thoughts wailing through her mind.
"I'm sorry Bristlekit, this is all my fault," cried Cinderheart.
"No, mother, it's not." Bristlekit mewed sternly.
"Yes it is, my sweet kit I was reborn as well," Cinderheart whispered, "If it weren't for me you would have to deal with this,"
"No, you was chosen to be my mother because you could help me through this and because you would understand," Bristlekit explained.
"And what about Jayfeather?" Cinderheart asked.
"I knew him in my last life, and Starclan chose to share my dreams with him," Bristlekit explained farther as she stood up ready to leave the medicine den.
"That explains a lot, but do you know what you're supposed to do?" Cinderheart wondered.
"No, not even the past me knew." Bristlekit yawned to get rid of her sleepiness.
She watched as her father got up hissing at Jayfeather before stalking over to her siblings by the nursery. Bristlekit sighed she casted a remorseful glance at Jayfeather before heading over to the nursery. Lionblaze looked up at his daughter when she approached the nursery.
"Hey, Bristlekit. You want a badger ride?" Lionblaze mewed happily.
Bristlekit just walked past him not even giving him a glance. Lionblaze's jaw dropped open with shock that his daughter was acting like that.
"Lionblaze," Cinderheart's mew remorseful.
"What is it, Cinderheart?" He asked curiously.
"She's mad because you're mad at Jayfeather," Cinderheart explained.
"Why?" Lionblaze hissed.
"Because, Starclan willed it, he was taking care of our daughter. She has the fate of the Clans on her shoulder, Jayfeather is supposed to help her," Cinderheart whispered.
"Oh, no. You mean that our daughter has a mouse-brain prophecy!" He growled.
"I don't know that it's a prophecy, but Lionblaze she's been reborn." She announced.
Lionblaze's eyes grew wide with shock, he glanced at his daughter who was sitting in the shade of the nursery watching her brothers play.  Lionblaze shook his head when he looked back at his mate Cinderheart. She laid beside him and they nuzzled their muzzles together. Lionblaze looked at his brother who finished eating and was slowly padding back to the medicine den. Alderheart came through the gorse tunnel and ran up beside Jayfeather. Lionblaze ears pinned back with embarrassment that he was ever angry at his brother. He didn't see Bristlekit as she looked at him when he turned his head away from her. Bristlekit was listening the whole time, her anger faded away when he finally understood what was going on. The day blurred by as she tried to wrestle with everything that was going on. She settled down with her mother and brothers for the night hoping that Starclan would visit her in her dreams to help her understand what she was sent back for. Bristlekit was restless the whole night, she couldn't sleep at all. Well, that's new. I wonder why I can't sleep now? She decided she was going to leave camp to clear her head since sleep was not an option anymore. It was almost dawn by the time she slipped out into the camp clearing, Bristlekit decided to try sneaking out the dirt place tunnel this time. As soon as she pulled herself through on the other side she broke into a run. If any of my Clanmates had seen me I would have a least a head start before they would catch up to me. When she came to a stop, Bristlekit opened her mouth slightly to taste the air, she was overwhelmed by all the different scents of the forest, and she continued to walk deeper into ThunderClan territory. The crisp air blew gently as Bristlekit emerged from the trees, she saw the great lake that all of the Clans surround. Bristlekit tasted more of the air determined to learn as many scents as possible, she padded up to the water and lapped up some of the icy cold water. Bristlekit lifted her head and gaze towards the sky, big fluffy blue-grey clouds covered the sky. Snow's coming soon. She blinked in confusion. Starclan why was I reborn? She thought hoping for an answer.The wind blew roughly this time, she realized that if she didn't get back to camp her mother or clanmates would notice that she's gone. Can't have that happen or I might not become an apprentice when I'm six moons old. Bristlekit thought wearily. She hurled through the forest as fast as her tiny paws would allow, she slide to a stop as she came back to the dirt tunnel, Bristlekit glanced around making sure no one saw her before slipping back into camp. It was well past dawn now, she only saw one or two of her clanmates near the entrance of the camp, she sniffed at the nursery worried that her mother or someone else might have realized she was gone. She softly stepped inside the nursery, and thankfully none of the queens were awake yet, her brothers Flamekit and Dustkit, however, were wide awake.
"Bristlekit, where were you?" Flamekit demanded in a whispered hiss. His eyes were narrowed in anger and worry, his tail swung back and forth in agitation.
"We were really worried, Bristlekit, you could have gotten in a lot of trouble. Or hurt even," Dustkit meowed in such a low voice, Bristlekit just barely heard him. She dipped her head down and shuffled her front paws back and forth.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see the forest," Bristlekit whined with disappointment. "I shouldn't have gone but I just felt like I had to go." Her ears pinned back as she sat down and curled her tail around her paws. Dustkit barreled into her wrestling her to the ground with a mrrow of laughter. Flamekit jumped on her as well, Bristlekit struggled to get out from underneath them. They accidentally got too close to another queen and her kits, Brightheart yowled startled as the siblings bumped into her and her three kits. Flamekit and Dustkit both jumped back towards their mother Cinderheart, who was awake now, Bristlekit stood by herself right in front of Brightheart and her kits, Maplekit, Fawnkit, and Blackkit.
"Oh, Bristlekit, it was just you and your brothers playing," Brightheart breathed out a breath of relief.
"I'm sorry Brightheart, we didn't mean to wake everyone up," Bristlekit apologized sincerely because she was sorry, Brightheart was always so kind and they just interrupted her's Maplekit's, Fawnkit's, and Blackkit's rest.
"Bristlekit, there is no need to be sorry. I understand it was just an accident, you just have to be more careful next time." She purred and Bristlekit sharply nodded her head. Brightheart gave her a swift lick on the head before she and her kits left the inside of the nursery. Bristlekit glanced back at her mother hoping she wouldn't be mad the she woke up another queen and her kits. Cinderheart just flicked her tail for Bristlekit to come sit by her, so she did.
"I'm proud of you for apologizing to Brightheart for waking her and her kits up," Cinderheart purred obviously pleased her daughter was kind. Bristlekit nodded her head embarrassed from ear tips to her tail tip. Cinderheart looked at her three kits then nudged them towards the nursery entrance.
"Time to go outside to play now!" Cinderheart mewed. Both Dustkit and Flamekit barreled out the entrance at the same time falling over each other as the sun hit their sleek fur. Bristlekit purred, she loved her brothers, her mother, her father and every cat in ThunderClan. Bristlekit padded out of the nursery right behind her mother. Bristlekit was still concerned about why Starclan had her reborn, but she decided that for now she was going to have fun and live her life.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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