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For as long as Nika remembered she had been raised by two people in her life. The first she had a few vague memories of him since she wasn't in his care for that long, the second was none other than Lady Yae the Gujji of Narukami shrine. Nika never knew her parents nor if she had any but she was happy with how her life as now. She had a place to live and someone to take care and look after her, although, the only thing that bothered her was that Yae had explicitly asked her to not leave the shrine. Nika always thought Yae was a bit too overprotective of her even when she would walk a bit far down the steps Yae would ask her to quickly return, she would always tell Nika that the world outside was too cruel and dangerous for her and that she was a lot safer here at the Shrine. While Nika was aware that Yae cared about her but she did hope to convince her to let her travel around when she got a bit older. Even though Nika knew that might be tough to do knowing how Lady Yae was whenever she did bring it up now, even when she would run around in her fox form Yae always reminded her to be careful and stay close.

Years passed, Nika was messing around the shrine one day when Yae had asked her to accompany one of the shrine maidens down the steps to remove some posters some troublemakers had put up. Nika was excited mostly because she was technically leaving the shrine for a few hours, sure she was simply going down the steps but it was kind of a start, on top of that she did plan on sneaking off and going farther down away from the shrine. Of course Yae must've known what she was thinking because before she left she asked Nika not to wander too far from her companion. It wasn't like Nika could leave anyways since the shrine maiden she was with kept a close eye on her while they were taking down the posters. All the while Nika mumbled to herself a bit annoyed that even at this age she was still being watched over like she was still a little girl. While she was looking for more posters to take down she saw one far down the steps in her frustration of being watched instead of ripping it off she harshly kicked at the poster. The wall the poster was on crumbled down revealing a small opening that led further into the mountain, without a second though Nika went through the opening leading into a small cave. The only thing in this small cave was a wooden box, Nika was curious why that box was the only thing in here and went up to open it. She was excited about the possibility of finding treasure what she didn't expect was to find was a bunch of journals inside the box. Nika pulled one out and flipped through it there were many entries inside. Most of them were about the adventures they had and the placed they had seen, Nika grabbed another journal to flip through it although this was was a bit different . She was confused by why the contents of this journal were all about how they had fallen in love with someone they had met on their travels and how they would follow him wherever they went. Nika grabbed all the diaries and went back to her companion who was worried about where she had gone. She apologized for disappearing before she excused herself and went back up to the shrine to find Yae, it took her awhile but she managed to find her talking to another shrine maiden. Nika waited patiently for her before she showed her what she had found and rambled on about this sister she never knew she had as a few entries mentiones her by name. Yae was surprised and taken aback when she saw the journals Nika held, she sighed when the questions began. Yae asked her to calm down and wait a moment before she told her that there was a reason those journals we're hidden from her in the first place. Yae knew that she would eventually would find them and would want to know about everything that was written and who they belonged to. In the end Yae decided that it was time for Nika to leave the shrine, if she wanted to learn who those journals belonged to then she would have to find out for herself. Yae thought it be best if she found the truth herself rather than it being told to her after all she was old enough to face the reality of this world.

The day Nika was to leave Yae gave her enough mora to use on her travels but there was something else Yae was going to give her. That something was a travel companion whom Yae had picked specifically for Nika as she hoped the two would become friends since Nika didn't know anyone outside the shrine. Nika was excited to meet her new companion and waited eagerly at the top of the stairs of the shrine along with Yae. During their wait Nika asked many questions about what her companion was like and Yae tried her best to answer all her questions. It wasn't till a few minutes later that Nika caught the sight of one of the shrine maidens making her way up with someone Nika had never seen before. From what Nika could see she was wearing a very fancy kimono that had pretty long sleeves along with a very pretty hair piece of a blue flower she had never seen before. Nika got a closer look once the girl was a fair distance away from her, she had long silver hair with amber highlights at the end of it, pretty gold like eyes complete with red eye make up and she also took notice that she didn't wear any shoes. Yae told her to follow as they met the two half way, Nika being excited rushed up to greet her new companion and immediately engulfed her into a hug. The girl stiffened and froze there while Nika excitedly introduced herself before Yae asked her to calm down and let go of her. Yae apologized for Nika having surprised her, the girl told her it was fine she just asked if she could refrain from doing that again. Yae introduced Rei to Nika and then gave them a run down of where to go and who to ask for clues as well as asking Nika to listen to Rei. Nika agreed and was more than ready to set off on her quest to find this long lost sister of hers. She said her goodbyes before following Rei down the shrines steps, as she followed one question dwelled on her mind about her new companion. 

Why was she so cold to the touch?

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