🖤Chapter 8 - Teaching a little fox🖤

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Nika curiously stared at the weapons in Rei's arms and asked her what they were for. Rei told her that it was high time for her to learn how to fight so she could defend herself, she wasn't going to always be there to protect her. So she thought it was time to teach Nika the basics and then move on to something a little more difficult later on. But the first thing she had to do was find out which weapon would be suitable for Nika as well as teach her how to properly use her vision as well. Nika was really excited and couldn't wait to learn but she did tell Rei that her using a bow was out of the question as she had quite an accident with one once before. According to her she had been in the city once before with Yae and she was left in Kujo Sara's care for the time being. She was bored and noticed someone left a bow with some arrows near where she was sitting. Nika decided to mess around with them and settled on hitting one of the targets she saw a few feet away from her. Unfortunately, someone decided that it would be a good idea to walk past when Nika fired an arrow, nearly missing the person by a few inches. Sara saw this and decided to keep her away from any other weapons for the time being.

" Wow, well, that narrows down our options then. Alright, then let's practice a bit and then you can decide which weapon you're more comfortable with."

It took some time but by the afternoon Nika had finally settled on the sword and polearm, which Rei thought would be more work to teach her how to use both weapons. Of course, Rei's form of training tired Nika out but she was very determined to learn. Although, going up against Rei was a bit difficult even if she wasn't using most of her power against her.

" Well, so far you're pretty good at dodging but you have to fight back."

" I know but It's kind of hard. I don't want to accidentally hurt you." Nika whined.

" Nika, when you are dealing with a monster or a person you have to fight back. Otherwise they will hurt you, do you understand?"

Nika nodded while Rei sighed and asked her if she would rather have her demonstrate how she fought. Nika was excited but wondered who she would be sparring against, although that was soon answered when she saw the familiar figure in the distance.

" I've decided to ask Childe to help me out since he was in the area for some reason." Rei mumbled the last part.

Childe came up to them and happily greeted them, it was very obvious that Nika was happy to see him again. And for a few minutes they chatted among themselves while Rei spaced off. Eventually, Rei interrupted them and asked Nika to go sit near a tree a bit far from where they were currently at. Nika pouted as she wanted to talk to Childe more but Rei told her she would get a chance to once they trained for the whole day, if she wished she would let Nika spend most of the night with Childe. Nika was happy with that arrangement and finally did what Rei asked, although, she was intent on paying close attention to the two of them she was not ready for what the two had in store. Nika was shocked at how fast the two moved, they had been standing a few feet away from each other before quickly closing the distance. She watched in awe as the two traded blows and dodged each others attacks, it was clear that Childe was good at this but was no match for Rei. At some point Childe managed to knock Rei's polearm out of her hands, he was going in to attack but Rei dodged and managed to hit him with her tail. She sent him flying quite a few distance away and Nika winced as she could imagine how much that would hurt. She had been paying so much attention to they way the two were moving that she didn't realize that Rei had stopped hiding her tail and horns again. Although, there was something else that Nika took notice of as she watched. It was some dark aura that surrounded Rei, Nika had never noticed it before and wondered what it was. She thought it would be best to just ignore it for now and question Rei about it if she remembered. Nika knew that it would take her some time to properly be able to fight but she would work hard in order to catch up to Rei. Their fight continued and only ended once Rei managed to trap Childe with ice. It was only then that Rei allowed Nika to come close to them and asked her what she observed.

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