🌸Chapter 13 - A trip back home🌸

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Rei watched as Nika ran around the ship excited since she was going home after these last few months after she started her journey, she was also excited to be on a ship, of course, Rei had to tell her to be careful so she wouldn't accidentally fall over board. Nika huffed and promised she wouldn't she wasn't that clumsy, in the end she proved Rei right a few minutes later when she fell over and Rei had to quickly fish her out.

" I told you so, you're lucky I wasn't spacing off or who knows when anyone would have noticed that you weren't on the ship." Rei sighed as she tossed her something for her to dry off.

Nika sighed as she dried herself off, " Sorry, Im just so excited to be on a ship and that i'll be visiting home after these past few months. Still you should really fix that whole staring off space thing."

"It's not really something I can fix."

"It's kind of like how Qiqi forgets things and has to write things in her notebook." Nika said.

Rei hummed, "You could say that, she forgets things while I space off on occasion."

After a few more hours, the boat arrived on the docks of Ritou. Nika was quick to get off and rush in the direction of the city, with Rei following close behind her. Nika was glad to be home and rushed to buy herself some food. Rei accompanied her while she ate, she herself bought a little food and made herself some tea.
"Will we be heading off to the shrine?" Rei asked.
Nika thought for a moment while she chewed her food
"We can walk around the city for a bit after I finish my food and then we can head up to the shrine so I can tell Yae about everything about my journey so far.
Rei nodded acknowledging her decision and waited for her to finish her food since she had already eaten the little food she had bought for herself. She sipped on her tea in the meantime. Nika spotted what looked like a red butterfly made of fire fluttering close to Rei who had started spacing off again. Nika's fox tail started wagging in excitement as she watched the watched the butterfly land on Rei's hair staying there and moving it's wings slowly. Nika inched closer to Rei to take a closer look at it before slowly reaching out to touch it. However, it flew off and landed away on the other side of Rei's head. Nika huffed and tried to touch it again but it kept moving away from her. Rei snapped out of her daze hearing Nika's frustrated huff, the butterfly landed on Rei's shoulder before it finally flew away. Nika was disappointed she couldn't grab it before it left and Nika assured her that maybe next time she'll get to touch it. Nika had finished her food and they got up to walk around the city, Nika was relaxed and happy at being able to walk around the city again. She remembered the last time she had been walking in the city, it was when she was little and begged Yae to take her with when she needed to run errands or visit Ei. Nika was happy remembering how she ran off into the city, only to be lectured by Yae, for her to then buy Nika some treats to calm her down and apologize for the lecture. As evening rolled around, they headed back up to the shrine, Nika was exhausted and changed into her fox form so Rei could carry her the rest of the way up. By the time they made it to the top Nika was fast asleep, Yae was talking to one of the shrine maidens when she saw them arrive and quickly rushed over to welcome Nika back.

"I am so glad she is back home even if it is for a little while, I have been worrying about her non-stop since she left. Here, I will take her." Yae said as she reached out for Rei to hand her over. Rei gave Nika to her and watched how Yae carefully cradled her in her arms.

"I will leave her with you then, I'll come back tomorrow morning." Rei said, excusing herself before leaving.

The next morning, Nika woke up in her room. Her hair was messy as she tried to wake up. She was still half asleep as she squinted looking around the room. She changed back to her human form her ears twitching hearing the wind blowing outside her window. It took her a few minutes to fully wake up, when she did her ears stood up straight as she realized that she was home. She got out of bed and walked around her room at all the things she had as well as her pet onikabuto which Yae had been taking care of for her. Yae walked in with some breakfast for Nika, she gave her a hug before they sat down together and Nika began to recount her journey ever since she left home. Yae listened to her glad she was having fun and making new friends along the way. However, Nika then talked about Childe; she wanted to thank Yae for giving her permission to talk to him and be friends with him. She wanted to tell Yae that she had a big crush on him and that she was starting to love him even more than she did now. Yae nearly spit out her tea, she looked at Nika

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