💙Chapter 1 - The harbor & a sea beast💙

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" So I was asked to be your body guard while you drag me all around teyvat and I don't even get a say in this?"

Nika looked back at her companion, " Oh come on let's just stay there for the night, I'm tired and we need to rest."

Rei sighed, " No, you can stay at the inn I will continue making my way towards the harbor and I'll wait for you there."

Nika couldn't get her to stay at wangshu inn so she relented that she would meet up with her at Liyue harbor. She watched Rei rush off rather quickly past the inn and wondered why she refused to stay here, on top of that why was she in such a rush to get away? Nonetheless, Nika made her way towards the elevator since she didn't feel like walking all the way up there and besides this was the faster way. Once she made it to the top and was about to talk to Verr she forgot that she didn't exactly have any mora on her since she spent nearly all of it on their way here. Nika wasn't sure what to do, I should have asked Rei to borrow some mora before she took off, she thought to herself. Although, she did remember that Rei had given her a small device to use to communicate with her. She pulled it out and prepared to shyly explain to Rei that she had spent all the mora Yae had previously given her.

" What's the matter? Is there something you need?" Rei's voice came from the device.

" Umm, well, I don't have any mora left to pay for a room...I kind of spent all of it before we got here," Nika explained.

It was silent for a few minutes before Rei sighed, " I didn't think you would actually spend all of it in just two days but I guess it is understandable since you've never bought anything for yourself."

" So umm what am I going to do?"

Upon asking that she was startled when a bright light shined Infront of her before disappearing and revealing a red pouch.

" There should be enough mora in the pouch for you to use to get a room, you can use whatever is left to get food." Rei said.

" Thanks! Also that's so cool. How did you do that? Can you teach me me too?" Nika asked excitedly.

" No problem, It's not something I can teach unfortunately. But anyways take care and I will meet you here at the harbor tomorrow."

After that Nika got herself a room and got some food before settling down for the night, she looked through the journals trying to find anything else that would tell her about this older sister she had. She kept wondering where and what happened to her, she hoped that she was still out there somewhere. Eventually, she decided it was time to sleep and put the journal safely away before getting comfortable in her bed. Nika couldn't help but lay awake with other questions that came to mind when it came to her travel companion. She was kind of rude, she was off in her own world dazing off, didn't like being around too many people, and when she hugged her when they first met she noticed how absolutely cold she was. Nika wasn't sure if she and Rei would actually get along but she had to try since she was going to be traveling with her in search of her sister.

The next morning, Nika woke up excited to start the day and explore the harbor. She ate some breakfast and quickly made her way towards Liyue Harbor. Nika arrived a lot quicker than she expected and was amazed at the city. There were lots of things she wanted to look at but first she had to go find Rei. However, she got side tracked and went around the harbor looking at all the shops. An hour had passed before she finally decided to look for Rei, she had told her to meet her near Bubu pharmacy and drew a map for her beforehand. Nika walked around following the map and came into such a pretty lotus pond that was near the pharmacy, she wasn't a few feet from her destination when she caught sight of bright orange hair. It seemed like the world around Nika slowed down when she caught sight of this young man, his uniform and cold blue eyes immediately attracted her to him. She was so busy looking at him that she ended up hitting the railing near the pond and going over the edge. But instead of hitting water she hit something hard and cold beneath her.

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