❤️Chapter 6 - Nika's adventure towards Monstadt❤️

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" So the next place we're going to is Mondstadt?" Rei asked as she followed Nika

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" So the next place we're going to is Mondstadt?" Rei asked as she followed Nika.

" Yeah, that's what I read in this journal. Maybe someone there knows about my sister, if not then we can just go sightseeing!"

" I see you have your priorities already figured out. Speaking of which, do we really have to walk all the way there? By the time we make it it will be night time, can't I just fly us there?"

" No we have to take the fun sightseeing route!" Nika said happily.

Rei sighed and decided to follow along with her companion. Although, halfway into leaving the city Nika stopped and Rei almost walked into her. Rei took notice that her tail was wagging happily like she something she really liked. She peeked from behind her companion and immediately saw why Nika had become so excited. Making his way towards them was none other than Childe who was carrying something in his arms. Nika happily greeted Childe who seemed pretty happy to see her. Rei stood by quietly as she let the two talk for a bit in the meantime she stared off ahead of her dazing off while those two talked. It seemed like Childe wasn't done with spoiling Nika with gifts and he had brought a few sweets for her along with some jewelry for her to wear. After awhile Nika waved her hand in front of her face to get her attention and ask her if Childe could accompany them to Mondstadt before he left for his next mission. Rei decided that it was fine and went a bit ahead of them to let the two spend more time together. All the while she thought about the letter she had received while she was hesitant to send a reply she decided to do so in the end, however she made it clear that was no longer going to return. Rei didn't want to admit that she did miss him but she was a bit hesitant to trust him after the stunt he had tried to pull. Even so she thought that it would be best if she was on her own for the time being. While Rei was thinking about her own issues, Nika was having a great time chatting with Childe and thanking him for the gifts he had brought. She wanted to know if he was going to be free any time soon since she had quite a lot of fun spending time with him. Of course Childe did have to explain that he was usually pretty busy with his duties but he would do his best to make some time to come and see her again. Nika hoped that maybe he would stay a bit longer with them before heading off because she really wanted to walk around the city with him. They had quite the fun journey making their way towards Mondstadt with Nika running around and looking at everything she came across. Since Rei was a bit further away from them it was Childe's job to keep her from running into enemies and try to keep up with all the energy she had. Nika reverted into her fox form and went around picking all the flowers she found while Childe tried his best to keep up with her. It wasn't until a few hours later that they finally managed to catch up to Rei who was patiently waiting for them. Nika was in awe at the scenery and ran over to Rei and excitedly asked her what that giant mountain in the distance was.

 Nika was in awe at the scenery and ran over to Rei and excitedly asked her what that giant mountain in the distance was

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