☁️ chapter six ☁️

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Harry was being bombarded with calls from Louis' sisters, Gemma, the boys, his own mum.. it was a bit stressful to say the least. He ended up just sending a mass text to let them know Louis was alright right now, before turning his full attention to him.

He was holding Louis' hand and kept kissing it gently as he waited for him to become coherent, which eventually, he did.

"What happened?" Louis asked, his eyes wide and afraid. He was under a warm blanket, his shirt had been removed because of the vomit.

"You're really sick baby," Harry said, pressing a long kiss to his hand. "You're dehydrated and you threw up on stage."

Louis' heart sunk to the pit of his stomach. There's no way he could've thrown up on stage, he couldn't have. He started to shake his head a little, not wanting to believe it.

The look on Harry's eyes told him though, that he had to believe it. It was 100% true.

"O-oh shit..." Louis mumbled, struggling but sitting himself up anyway. "The f-f-f-fans...." he could hardly speak at the moment but he was so desperate to get back on stage.

"The fans are okay Louis, it's alright." Harry said, trying to calm him, but it wasn't working.

"I n-neeeed a sh-shirt" Louis slurred out. His slurring wasn't always quite this bad, but he was very sick. "Gotta.. g-get back o-out therrre"

"No honey, you can't go back out on stage tonight." Harry told him sadly, he knew how much Louis wanted to, he could see the pure desperation in his eyes. "You're really not well right now."

"I-I'm fine," Louis spoke, "th-the fans deserve th-th-the show they paid f-for, and I h-have to showww them th-that I'm okay now."

"Darling," Harry pulled Louis' head toward his chest gently, and started combing his fingers through his fluffy hair. It always looked so so soft, and Harry honestly found the little grays that were coming in to be endlessly endearing. "You can't go back out there, I know you want to. But it's really not a good idea. They've started to let fans leave the venue anyway honeybee."

"I.. I want to tell them th-thank you... and s-say goodnight at l-least..." his lip wobbled and his eyes became glossy. "Please?"

Harry looked over at Louis' manager, who hesitantly nodded and spoke, "Not everyone has left the venue yet, how about we drive the bus out to where the crowds are?"

Louis beamed. He was drenched with sweat, shivering, fevered and nauseous, but he couldn't help the smile on his face. The fans meant everything to him and he wanted to make sure they knew it.

Seeing all the fans through the window, brought him so much joy. Everyone was crowding around the bus, and he was giggling and happy.

This. This is what he lived for.

The rest of the night was rough. Reluctantly, Louis agreed to cancelling some of the upcoming shows, but only on the condition that each and every fan who paid to see him got a refund, and a signed album.

"So... your sisters are really worried Lou, they saw the videos." Harry said softly as they laid in their hotel bed together, Louis' head was pressed up against Harry's bare chest. They'd booked a hotel for a few nights so that Louis could rest and recover.

"F-figured that would h-happen," Louis sighed, looking up at Harry with sad eyes.

Harry kissed his fevered head sympathetically. "Do you want to tell them?" He asked, knowing this would be such a hard decision for Louis to make.

"Not yet... at l-least n-n-not tonight," Louis whispered, trying not to think about it. "Can y-you hand me m-my phone?" His speech was calming down again thankfully, and he didn't seem so stressed about stuttering and slurring.

Louis knew it would come back eventually though. It always did.

"Sure babe," Harry grabbed Louis' phone off the nightstand and gently handed it to him. He watched Louis' hands as he struggled to type out a text. His fingers were stiff, and shaky.

Harry didn't say a thing though, he wanted to offer to help, but knew it wouldn't fix anything and would only upset him more.

Louis had a tired smile resting lazily across his delicate features. He was reading the text responses from his sisters while Harry held a cool, wet washcloth against his forehead.

Eventually, his eyes started to droop. "Sleepy?" Harry asked him gently.

Louis nodded, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Want me to take your phone?" Harry asked, holding his hand out. Louis nodded again, and shakily set it in Harry's hand.

"Now how about we get some sleep, hm? It's late," Harry took the washcloth from his head, and kissed his flushed cheek, it was still heated with fever.

"Mhm.. s-sounds nice..." Louis responded, cuddling himself even closer into Harry, completely burying his face into the crook of his neck. Once they were situated for the night, Louis was practically laying on top of Harry, completely clinging to him.

And despite the fact that Louis was basically a human furnace right now, and making Harry extremely sweaty, he wouldn't have had it any other way.

Harry smiled, Louis was safe. He was okay tonight. He was in his arms, breathing softly against his neck, his dainty hands on his chest.

He loved him so much.

Thanks for reading this book:) Have a good day or night:)

Bells 🌼

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