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Hello my little Inklings. I will be sharing a universe that I've been making for a while. I wanted to share it when it was completely finished because I was gonna write a story about characters in that universe, but my excitement got the better of me and I decided to post it now. 

So...  yeah.

In this universe there are demons and humans. They used to coexist in harmony, but then everything changed when a war had broken out. 

Now how the war broke out is still a work in progress kinda... Basically what happens is that there's a group of either demons or humans (haven't figured it out which side yet nor have I figured out the name of the group.) attacks the other side claiming that it's liberation. The other side then retaliates as they aren't going to take that shit lying down. 

The story that I'm going to write was going to take place during the war. 

In the story a human girl has to disguise herself as a demon in order to get home. However she starts to makes friends with some of the demons and she realizes that they're not that bad. So, she along with her friends try to stop the war and the group that caused it. The story might change as it goes on, but that's the general jist of it.

I'm also being helped by @KhyiraTheWolf. She's helping me with some other stuff. So be sure to check her out since she's got great stuff and she's a great person!

There's a key like always because I like to keep my shit as organized as I can. Instead of one emoji for each chapter there's going to be two on each chapter. You'll see why:

🌍=World Building/Lore



🌙= Oc/Characters

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