~💫🌙Leveros The Bone Demon🌙💫~

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A/N: The reason why it's unfinished is because I'm working on a ref sheet for Leveros rn, and I wanna add that on the pic of this chapter instead of this one. Because I have changed his design a bit. He's mostly the same though. That and I wanna add more scars to him I just don't know where to put them lol.


Name: Leveros

Nicknames: Veros, Vero, or Ver

Demon or Human?: Demon

Type of Demon: Monculum Demon

Title: The Bone Demon

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Age: 18

Birthday: October 27th


Demonic traits: His upper arms and feet are skeletons.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 170 lbs.

Skin Color: White

Hair Color: Pale Pink

Eye Color: Pink

Scars: A small on his right eye and a slightly bigger one on his left cheek.

Horns: Two very large horns made of bones. The one on the left is chopped off due to a fight.

Tail: A large bone tail with a curved barb at the end. Some of it has been chipped off.


Personality: Leveros is a very power hungry man. His lust for fighting knows no bounds. He's known to go out of his way to take on foes that are even more powerful than him, and then won't stop fighting them until they're dead. If someone comes to fight Leveros and they're notably weaker than him, he'll ignore them and walk away from them. Claiming that they're not worth breaking a sweat over. If the challenger were to persist then he'll fight them, but he won't put in any effort at all unless they prove him wrong.

Despite their thirst for power, Leveros is pretty chill. He's often seen napping or just lounging around. If anyone wakes him up from his nap he'll threaten that person or kill that person, no questions asked. The only exception is if it's something important. Which to him is either if they brought food or there's a person to fight. Speaking of fighting he wants his fights to be as fair as possible. The moment someone tries something dirty to win a fight such as blackmail, or holding a hostage his respect for that person is thrown out the window. It doesn't matter if the person is weaker than Leveros he will out right kill the person with no hesitation. This also applies to people who step on others to get what they want. Leveros also has a soft spot for plushies or anything cute. Which is why he collects them. However he doesn't want anyone to know this at all, so he keeps it hidden.

Likes: Fighting, someone who's more powerful than him, training, napping, sunbathing, sweets, the cold, winter, snow, the city at night, coffee, thunderstorms, cats, snakes, seals, plushies, rock music, jazz music, hip hop, and soft beds.

Dislikes: Spicy foods, licorice, the summer, the heat, humid weather, the rain, mud, weak opponents, people who just won't leave him alone, backstabbers, cheaters, people who use any type of blackmail, tight clothing, horror movies, and romantic movies

Hobbies: Sometimes they play video games, collecting bones, exploring, and visiting abandoned places.

Habits: Mutters to himself when he's alone, snaps his fingers when he's trying to think of something, and he occasionally smokes sometimes.

Fears: Arachnophobia (Fear of spiders)

Fiend Skill:

Fiend Skill: Bone Armor

Being called the Bone Demon his powers resort from bones. Not his bones, but bones that he's eaten. The amount of bones that he's eaten can be turned into armor. He can have the armor on for however long he wants and it's very sturdy. However after the armor disappears he'll become very hungry and will eat almost anything. Leveros also has to restock on bones to get the armor back. The more armor he has the less mobile Leveros will be, so he tries to avoid getting to the point where he has to put on all of the armor.


Leveros's parents were warriors that served under the demon king's army. After years of serving the throne they decided to retire and live a more quiet life. Eventually Leveros was born after a few years living in the peaceful town. His father and mother would tell him stories about their time on the battlefield, and how they fought all sorts of monsters. They would be on the battlefield again as the war between humans and demons broke out. Causing humans to attack and burn the town. Naturally Leveros's parents helped defend and evacuate the town. They put Leveros on a carriage that went to a city, and promised that they would return. Unfortunately they couldn't keep their promise and they never came back.

Leveros was taken in an orphanage and was constantly bullied because of two reasons. One of them being the fact that he was still crying over his parents and other being that they thought he was weak. This is due to the fact that the skeleton of his upper arms and legs were exposed. The bullying only got worse because of his Fiend Skill being late. When he was 10 one of the workers had cooked a turkey for dinner. They had felt bad for Leveros so they gave him a turkey leg. Leveros ate the whole thing, bone included. This freaked out the worker and they immediately took Leveros to the nurse. The nurse was expecting Leveros since he was a regular, but what they didn't expect was him being unharmed. The worker had explained what had happened which caused them to freak out as well. They took an x-ray on Leveros and there wasn't any sign of the turkey leg. It was weird... one of the nurses asked why Leveros ate the leg to which he responded "Because it tasted good." The nurse decided to get a recent bone that was going to be for their dog. They gave him the bone and Leveros took a big bite out of it. He made it seem like a pretzel rod, much to the horror of the onlookers. Leveros then nonchalantly asked, "Does anyone have any salt?"

Word that Leveros could eat bones spread through like wildfire. Which gave the bullies more ammunition to bully him. Leveros had remembered the stories that his parents told and decided that he had enough of the bullying and was going to confront them. When the bullies started to make fun of his Skill Leveros had punched the bully in the face. The bullies and their gang related by trying to punch him. Then Leveros had unintentionally used his skill to block their attacks. Which broke some of the children's hands. This gave Leveros a chance to take revenge on his bullies and he took it. Beating each child into a bloody plump until a worker intervened. Even when the worker was holding him and dragging him away, Leveros was yelling that he won't be picked on anymore and he'll be the strongest demon in the land.

And he kept that promised. Leveros began training and becoming stronger as much as he could. When he became old enough to move out, he was still training and he picked fights with a lot of demons who he thought were strong. He eventually picked up a warhammer for more range and an easier way to separate bones. Which made him even stronger. Word of him passed around the land and thus he was titled "The Bone Demon." Leveros takes pride in that title and will refer to himself as such wherever he goes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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