~🌟🌍Realms And Terrains🌏🌟~

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In this world there are two realms: Avovita (Ave-o-vi-ta) and Lazaria (Laz-ar-ri-ah). is the demon realm and Lazaria is the human realm.

The two realms used to interact with each other a lot. However after the humans tried to take over the demon realm and the demons are now in a war with each other.

Both realms run on a monarchy system. (Kings, Queens, etc)

Both realms are on the same island. It's just that they're mirrored from each other.

The terrain is also different from each other despite the islands being the same.

The terrain for Lazaria is mostly made out of forests and marshes. Thus causing most of the land to have a warm climate. There's only a few cities and regions that get snow.

The terrain for Avovita is filled with mountains and deserts. There are some forests, but it doesn't compare to Lazaria. Avovita is a bit mixed when it comes to what kinda weather it has. It really depends on where the person is.

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