No Rest for this Dark Soul

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I died again.

This time I got crushed by a giant, how many times have I died now? I don't even know anymore. I wonder if I'll make it to the next bonfire sometime soon, if at all. Maybe if I run for it and ignore everything trying to kill me.

I don't get it, why am I even following this stupid prophecy? I guess it was either this or go hollow, but then what about the others? No one else is embarking on this journey with me. Pretty much every person I've seen is staying back at Firelink shrine, safe and warming themselves by the fire. I'm the only one out here on this mission.

What will I even do once I finish my mission?

Is there really any point to doing this? The world is fucked. You would think that if this journey was enough to help fix everything, people would start banding together. But nope, there's nothing here but monsters and a bunch of hollows, people who've already given up.

Maybe they had the right idea, they went on the same journey, and they got nowhere. Why would it be any different for me? Maybe I should go hollow, maybe I should give up, maybe it was stupid to even leave the asylum, maybe...

This is stupid.

What am I doing, if I give up now then it will all be for nothing. All my Sacrifices, all my effort, all my tears...

I need to keep going, because if I stop, what else will I have?

I have no one, I'm alone, the only person I can rely on is myself...

The bonfire is warm.

It's safe.

I don't want to leave.

If I leave the bonfire I have to fight again. I don't want to fight anymore. Is it too much to just want to be safe? Is it too much to just want to not die again? It's so painful out there, but here it's safe.

Maybe I should go hollow after all. If I go hollow I won't need to feel anything anymore. I won't be in pain. I won't be scared. I'll be free of this burden.

What should I do?


Hi, this is my first time posting a story to Wattpad. I really wanted to write a story about the struggle of trying not to give up, and I felt that the world of Dark Souls was the perfect setting. If you're looking for a fanfic that builds on the lore of the world and features your favorite characters from the series history, then I'm sorry, you're in the wrong place. If I have any more ideas for short stories I'll try to post them here.

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