The end

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After Yoonji had fully healed from her attempt, she went back to school.  

Everything was okay now. Namsoon had explained everything and she had gotten all the therapy she needed. 

She even got a new apartment on her own and moved away from here horrible father. 

That one boy would never bother either of them after what happened, and their class was surprisingly accepting of their relationship. 

-Yoonji! come sit next to me! 

Namsoon smiled at her from her desk as yoonji walked into the classroom. 

She sat down, opened her books. For once, she was willing to study. 

They both graduated with perfect scores and moved in Seoul for university and got their own apartment together.

basically they lived happily together forever 

A/N: I was harassed by my friends to make an ending for this lol i havent updated this in basically three years so yippeeeeee bye again 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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