The birthday

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[Namsoon's pv]

Friday came very very quickly. I was kinda scared to have Yoonji come over at my house because i,,,,, had a massive crush on her. I know it's stupid but I've been head over heels for this girl ever since met her. Her cute smile, her little laugh and the fact that she looked like a kitten.
She is just so cool and I wish I could be tough and "swag" like her.

She came to my house after school and helped me prepare. By the time the guests started arriving, she started to talk a little less, probably cause we didn't know them well. It was only three or four friends but it still was awesome! We played a couple games and watched a movie.

Near midnight one of my friends, Clara (who is French and Korean) suggested we played a game of Truth or Dare. Most of it was pretty silly but at one moment Clara said it was getting boring and said we should make the truths and the dares more "intimate". I wasn't really ok with her idea at first but it ended up being kinda fun.

-"Yoonji, truth or dare?
-I dare you to kiss Namsoon on the lips.

She blushed but still accepted to do it. I was frozen. My cheeks were bright red and my breath was getting slightly heavier. She leaned towards me, looked into my eyes then closed them as she brushed her lips against mine. I felt my body trembling. The other girls were cheering. Yoonji finally pressed her lips against mine and started a pattern as the girls cheered more. My eyes were opened and I was staring at yoonji's soft skin, only 5 millimeters away from me. I started joining in the kiss even though my mind was yelling no. I closed my eyes. Everything around me seemed to disappear and all that was left was me and yoonji.

I opened my eyes again and heard one of my friends saying "ewww get a room" and laughed. I threw my pillow at her and we started a pillow fight. It was so fun but I couldn't get the feeling of yoonji's lips against mine out of my head.

We fell asleep one by one. And the only two people awake were Yoonji and I. I looked at her and she looked at me back with a smile.
-" did you know you're really pretty?" , She asked.
I blushed and answered no. She looked suprised.
I suddenly felt warm tears falling on my cheeks.
-"W-why are you crying?
-Because, I feel horrible for feeling like there might be something between us but i know you just kissed me because of the dare."
I was very sensitive and tended to overshare without even noticing. I blushed madly as I realized what u had just said. Yoonji looked at me ate wiped my tears.
-"Listening Namsoon, I would have not kissed any of the other girls because I was dared to.
-you just kissed me because you know me more.
-Namsoon. We're obviously not friends. Friends don't kiss their friend and not pull back after the other on joins in . I really like you Namsoon.
-Yoonji... All friends really like each other.
-How can I make this more clear for you.  I. Love. You. Namsoon."

She leaned in and kissed me again. This time with more passion and less shyly. I gathered up the courage to join her movements now that my friends weren't looking. Yoonji pulled back, looked into my eyes and whispered in my ear, "I love you so much Kim Namsoon." I shivered to the thought of her being so close. She kissed me again and cuddled against me when she was finished. I fell asleep nearly an hour after my friends. All I could think about was Yoonji, Yoonji, Yoonji, Yoonji. I love her. So much.

[A/n: that's pretty gayyyy. I love these bby girls]

She's mine. [min yoonji x kim namsoon]Where stories live. Discover now