ignoring her

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[⚠: a lot of swearing]

Yoonji's p/v:

Its been two weeks since I had broken up with Namsoon. I'm still mad at her but in a way, I really miss her .
Every time she tries to talk to me I just walk away. Hearing her voice makes me sick. Why does everyone end up leaving me?

I walked to my next class as people started whispering and getting out of my way. It felt like they were all so scared of me and for some reason, it made me happy. I smiled.

When I walked into the classroom everyone stared at me. I ignored it and sat down. Huh. Namsoon isn't here today.

The whispering started again.

The teacher came in with the principal.

"Miss Min Yoonji, please follow the principal to his office.", The teacher said.

I got up and walked with the principal.
I'm sure it's just something stupid again.

"Yoonji. I want to tell you something about Miss Kim Namsoon since you are apparently very close to her.

"She tried commiting suicide yesterday. The only thing written on her suicide note was "I'm sorry Yoonji". Do you have an explanation?"

I froze as tears started forming in my eyes. Oh no it's the same story again.

"I-i... It's c-complicated story."
"It's alright I'll listen to it all"

I told him the whole story even though I was terrified of his reaction. How we started dating, the kiss, me ignoring her... Everything. He nodded and kept saying "uh huh", "hmm" and "ok". He was taking notes.

"Are you going to talk about this with my father?"
[A/n: in this fanfic Yoonji lives with her dad, who is very toxic]
"Yes. I have to since you are still a minor."

I stopped listening to the principal talking and got lost in my thoughts. What will my father do when he'll learn that I'm a lesbian? He's a fucking homophobe so I'm actually kinda scared. He'll probably beat my ass again.

My father is the only person I'm scared of. My mom knew he was an asshole, so she left him and she was scared I would turn out to be just like him, so she left me with him.

"Miss Yoonji are you listening to me?"
I snapped back to reality.
"Yes sir. Excuse me."
"So. I was saying that for now you may not visit Namsoon, as her parents  keep everyone away from her. If you show up they'll probably be extremely angry and we wouldn't want you to get harmed."
"I understand"

After our conversation ended I went back home and locked my door.



A/n: welp. Her dad's an absolute a-hole. I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

She's mine. [min yoonji x kim namsoon]Where stories live. Discover now