Morning and stuff

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[Yoonji's pv]
I woke up next to Namsoon, she was sleeping so peacefully. She was really adorable. I heard her friends giggling a bit and when they saw that I was awake they stared at me and laughed.
-"What are y'all laughing at?", I asked
-" oh nothing it's just that...... You and Namsoon were cuddling and it was so adorable! I took a picture do you want to see it?"
I blushed as Clara showed me that picture. It was really cute to be honest.

-"sooooooo.... Are you two dating?
-umm.... Y-yeah
-omgggg you're so embarrassed, it's so cute!
-Shut up, I'm not cute.
-yes you are", said a sleepy voice.
Namsoon was awake, and she looked even more adorable than before. Her eyes were still closed and her hair was a mess but it was still the cutest thing I had ever seen.
-"ooooh look Yoonji's blushing!!! You look like a kitten!

~(time skip)~

We ate breakfast and got dressed etc. Namsoon's friends were leaving. It was almost time for me to go but I didn't want to. Namsoon looked sad to see me leave and asked if I wanted to come over again the next weekend. I obviously accepted and gave her a quick kiss on the lips and started walking away while waving at her.

It was crazy how much this girl had changed me. I felt like a softie now, even though I was still looked like I could kill someone.

Before I wanted to skip every single class and now I just wanted to go to school to spend more time with Namsoon. I sound so cheesy ugh.
I love her so much.

~(The next day)~
[Namsoon's pv]

Im dating Yoonji. Ahhhhhhhhhh I still can't believe it!! She's so cute!!!!

Anyways. I have a big test in an hour and I'm so stressed. I have to do my best so I'm studying a lot.
I was reading the leçon for the 64th time and I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a boy looking at me. He was kinda hot, but I'm not interested in dudes lol.
-"You're Namsoon right?" He asked
-"u-um yeah.
-You're really fucking pretty y'know."
He took my chin in his hand and stared at my eyes.
I started feeling a bit dizzy and scared from what he would do next.
-"why are you shaking like that? I know you want to kiss me too, so why don't you call the fuck down and do as I tell you?"
I was frozen and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't talk.
-I'll just say you give me your consent then, since you're not answering."
He started kissing me.
After 3 seconds I finally snapped back to reality. The boy was still kissing me. I didn't do anything and I regret it. He put his hand on my waist and pulled me towards him. I closed my eyes in fear. After a couple more seconds I opened them again and looked on the side. Yoonji. Yoonji was staring at me and had a face of disgust and anger.

[Yoonji's pv]
Namsoon was kissing someone other than me. I stared at Namsoon appreciating the kiss and started to feel my eyes burn and my heart pounding in my chest. She thought this was all a joke huh?

I walked away disgusted. I couldn't believe it. I locked myself in a bathroom stall and cried.
I was actually crying. I felt pathetic. I never cried unless it was something that was really important to me. In this case I felt like the whole world had collapsed because of someone who I love and you I thought loved me back. For once in my goddamn life  someone liked me. I cried and cried till the end of the school day.


{A/n: yeehaw this chapter is a mess. I hope y'all like angst and shit}

She's mine. [min yoonji x kim namsoon]Where stories live. Discover now