Who do you love?

471 15 12

Trigger warning: mention of suicide attempt
Namsoon's POV:

I took the blade.
I didn't even hesitate.
It hurt so much but I didn't care.

The sound of an ambulance.
My mom crying.
Nurses talking.


"She's awake!"

Crap. I guess I failed huh.

A week passed and I was suddenly sent back to school.
I heard a familiar voice say my name, so I turned around. But no one was there.
Must be my imagination.

------------- time skip ---------

I was walking in the halls alone, daydreaming.

"I miss Yoonji. I still really love her... " I said out loud without realizing.

"What?" The same voice as yesterday.
Must be my imagination again.

I walked away.

During lunch someone called my name.  I ignored it.

At the end of the day, I left the school, walking quickly because it was raining.

I heard footsteps running towards me and I ignored them too.

"N-Namsoon, do you really miss me? And you still love me? After w-what I've done to y-you?"

I turned around and saw Yoonji.
I blushed.

I couldn't say anything.


I snapped back to reality.

"I have a question.
Why did you kiss that dude?"

"....he forced me too..."

"Did you like it?"


I looked down after saying that.

I felt myself being pushed against the wall behind me. Yoonji's hand was on the wall, keeping me in my spot.

"Who do you love? Is it him or me?"
(A/n: monstaaa x :D)

"Y-you..." I whispered.

"Hm? What did you say?" Yoonji smirked.

"I said: I l-love you."

Yoonji moved her arm and put it on my cheek.

"I love you too nammie"


A/n: This update is super short, I'm so sorry :(
I'm really tired but I didn't want to leave the story on hold for too long.
Anyways, I hoped y'all liked this mini, dumb, chapter :D
Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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