Chapter 7

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"Seriously?" Hoseok's silky voice rang with annoyance as he heard the cuffs click. Mildly impressed by the innovation but heavily irritated by the complication. You had seated them both in an office chair on the other side of the desk from the dead body in front of them. Each had a leg crossed, ankle to knee, as their hand rested on that knee. 

Their wrists were cuffed to their ankles, making an escape incredibly difficult. Only then would you accept a more extended conversation but made no promises about the length of time you'd be willing to listen. Jungkook had no issue with the restrictions, like the excellent baby boy you remembered. 

"Should we order pizza? Chinese? Only a party of three now, cheaper." You asked sarcastically as you stepped back from the men. Your gun wasn't trained on them as long as they remained in their seats, never the less the gun was in your hand and would remain there. 

You would not trust them; you could not that take a chance. Waving your gun toward the nameless businessman occupying the desk. Snarling your painted lip, you reached behind and snapped the face tape you had used as a disguise as it was no longer needed. 

On the other hand, you would not remove your wig and contacts. It would only make it easier for them to track you through surveillance. Her blue hair packed a punch, but her purple wasn't deep black. The color between red and blue, you did lean more toward the blue tones. Your hair was vibrant like the petals of lavender in the spring over a red sunset—a purple pansy from root to tip. 

"This is where you plead for your lives." Waving the gun in front of you, you backed up to a nearby window. You stood at the side of the men, forcing them to turn their heads sharply to the left to catch your face. 

Hoseok's face scrunched, disgust festering in his gut. "If that's what you expect, go ahead and shoot." Hoseok snarled as he released the strain of his neck and looked ahead toward the dead man. 

"Hobi, fucking seriously?" Jungkook asked as his eyes shifted to his 'brother' and squinted toward him. He was acting like a child throwing a tantrum. Stubborn, that wasn't normal for Hoseok. 

You were more than willing to comply as you raised the gun and pointed it toward them, Hoseok first. "Hey! Woah!" Jungkook yelled as he saw you on the other side of Hoseok. Rolling your eyes, you lowered the gun back down and huffed. 

"Get on with it then, Kook." You said with an exhale, not bothering to use his complete name or a sweet little nickname. Short and sweet, just like this conversation needed to be. "What do you want me to say?" 

Raising the gun, your finger was released from the trigger but still in the well as you placed the barrel against your head and leaned into it. Nuzzling the gun as if you were too tired to use your free hand to rub at your temple, your careless actions paid no mind, for you were skilled. "Tell me a way I can let the two of you fucking live?" With closed eyes, you pulled the gun back down.

Folding your free arm under your bust, your right arm fell back at your side. You leaned into the window, letting your body press against the glass in the areas your little black cocktail dress didn't reach. The chill of the glass against your skin helps to calm your nerves. 

"You trust me," Jungkook stated as if it were an absolute fact. 

"I do?" You asked, raising your voice without yelling. A laugh rumbled up your throat as you looked toward them. He couldn't seriously believe that. 

"I'd never hurt your son or you." Hoseok cocks his head toward Jungkook, giving him a relatively strong. 'What the fuck is wrong with you?' look. Your name hadn't been mentioned in the household in five years, yet Jungkook still had a loyalty to you that he wouldn't give up. 

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