Chapter 18

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"Daddy! Daddy!" A twin pair of voices called out as they barreled through the hallway at full speed. They rocketed past one of the maids, who yelped at the terrible two as they blew past her like a tornado. 

"Careful!" she called out to the giggling children as they disappeared around the corner and made a B line for Seokjin's office.

Seokjin could hear them coming from a mile away. The sounds of tiny feet stomping through the halls, giggles, and heavy breathing getting closer. Standing up from his desk hurriedly, he rushed to the office door and ripped it open. 

They heard the door before Seokjin saw them. He dropped to his knees, arms ready and welcoming as the kids slingshot around the door frame and right into their dad's arms. Seokjin wrapped one arm around each child and smiled from ear to ear. He could feel the pounding of their little heartbeats from their backs. They put their entire being into everything they did.

He squeezed them for so long that the children began to push back. Seokjin released them, letting his beaming smile remain. He brought one hand to their faces and pinched at their chubby cheeks. "What's going the two of you so worked up?"

"We've got questions!" Levi said eagerly. Aria nodded her head so fast it looked like it was going to pop offer head tiny body.

Seokjin smiled, pleased at their curiosity and willingness to learn new things. He'd teach them anything to see those smiles.

"Who's Namjoon?" Levi blurted out, causing Seokjin's heart to freeze and scatter like ice. His mouth hung open, and his jaw slacked as he tracked his brain as fast as possible to justify why Levi knew that name. 

"Where did you hear that name?" He asked calmly; reaching out, he grabbed Levi's arms and held him in place. Seokjin became visibly tense, the look in his eyes wild and angry. Levi could tell something was wrong. "Levi, tell me," Seokjin demanded, quickly losing his patience. 

Aria looked between her brother and her dad and frowned her brows. Reaching out, she placed her palm over Seokjin's as he held onto Levi. She grabbed his fingers, tugging him softly, but she was ignored. Levi's lips tightened as his eyes began to water. Kids are more intuitive than most realize. They are sponges that absorb everything around them. Levi felt he had done something wrong. 

"Have you met someone with that name?!" Seokjin yelled, grabbing onto Levi tightly as he tried to take a step back. With the hike in his voice, Levi responded with tears as they started to pool in his eyes and drip down his cheeks. Snot slipped from his nose as he tried to sniffle and stay strong. 

"Daddy, don't yell..." Aria gripped tighter on Seokjin's hand and tried to pull his hand off Levi. Knowing she was being ignored, she grabbed him with both hands and tried to yank his arm back off her brother. "Daddy!" Aria yelled back, trying to wake Seokjin from the rage-filled daze he was entering. 

"Levi! Where have you heard that name?!" Shaking Levi, Seokjin only came to his senses when he heard his title one more time, followed by a loud smack. His eyes went wide as he felt the sting on his cheek. Instantly he let go of Levi and looked at his palms. 

Aria wrapped her arm around her brother and yanked him away from their dad. She pulled her brother close before ushering him forward and leading him away. She picked up her speed and started to dart away from Seokjin. She had begun to cry too, but her priority was her brother. Being the oldest of the two twins by only a few minutes, she was protective over her brother.

"Wait!" He called, holding out his hand as he went to grab them, but his hand met empty air as they ran from him with fear in their eyes. Seokjin slumped down to the floor, on his knees, as he brought his hands in front of himself and stared at his palms. He grabbed his child in anger; he prided himself on gentle parenting. Spanking and time-outs were old-fashion and outdated. Seokjin taught them to use their words over their fists, yet he didn't lead by example. 

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