Chapter 32 - Two Things

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❤️ I apologize in advance, love you all. ❤️

(Song for this chapter -


I can't speak to her, if I do it'll break me and I don't think I will ever be fixable again. The pain in my chest hasn't left, it's like i'm consistently bleeding out but death never comes.

She's in with Megs and Trekkie getting information on how to send a message back to us when she can. They are giving her codes and methods of communication. Ways to avoid detection. All of them are helpful things, she listens intently. I silently watch from the door.

Megs then walks with us down to the bathrooms to dye her hair. Bolt and Hawks went into town with a list from Sam of things to buy her. Makeup, hair dye, local clothing. Megs has put the dye in and freshly shaved the side of her head with Soaps razor. She has been crying and her glasses fog up every so often that she needs to clean them.

"Don't worry I'll be back sooner than you think." El says trying to calm her.

"I'm counting on you to keep an eye on my boys." She adds looking over at me. 
My stomach goes into my throat as she says it. My boys, Soap would lose it if he heard that.

Megs nods and hugs her.

"Careful you'll get dye all over yourself."

"Like I give a crap." Megs sasses her from inside the hug.

She lets go and wipes under her glasses.
"Go wash it off that should be long enough."

El nods and goes into one of the showers. As soon as she's in there Megs clutches at her chest, silently sobbing. She comes over to me and gives me a hug. She's never come this close to me before, it's a little unsettling. But I understand her motives behind it.

Once El comes out Megs is back to looking like she didn't just have a small break down. But I know El can see it. I can read her face and she knows Megs isn't doing well.

"Why don't we go show Soap? He's going to love it I'm sure." It's just a ploy to get Megs close to someone she can cry to. I see what El is doing, she shatters my heart with how caring she is to everyone else. Her hair now has a dark purple hue, it looks nice.

We find Soap in the mess, eating his feelings.

"What do you think Soap? Megs did a good job right?" El says to him as we walk in.

"Looks wicked Reaper." He says it trying to sound excited but there is a hint of sadness to his voice.

"I have to go see Sam now. Would you take Megs back to the comms room?" She asks but Soap can tell that's not what she means.


El gives Megs a kiss on her hand. "I'll see you before I go okay."

We turn to walk out of the mess and I can see Megs is already crying on Soaps shoulder. El doesn't look back she just squeezes my hand.

We walk to the infirmary. MacGyver and Sam are both ready and waiting for us.

"Do you know where the trackers are?" She asks the both of them.

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