Chapter 28 - Together

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I can see Soap is out by the airlifter, with Trekkie and Hawks. I left Reaper to get dressed, and no doubt talk with Megs. Once Soap sees me get close he goes to comment.

"Shut it Soap." I order at him.

"How did you sleep Lt?" He says in a sly tone. Asking a seemingly simple question but it's not.

"Should be asking you the same thing." I say as I keep walking past him.

"Well I don't kiss and tell but if you really want to know.."

"I don't." I say over the top of him.

The rest of the squad slowly start making there way out. I see El come out with Megs, they are both smiling talking between themselves.

El is in my shirt.

El is in my shirt, fuck me. She's got a long sleeve polo neck on, my shirt over the top then her tac vest. Cap and black jeans on. She is so fucking cute.

"She taking over your wardrobe?" Reds comments as he walks up next to me.

"Apparently." I say out loud.
She can have everything I own if she's going to wear it all in front of me like this. She may as well wear a sign that says I belong to Ghost. I love it.

She hugs Megs goodbye before she comes over to us.

"You out of clean clothes?" Reds teases her.

"You wanna be out of teeth?" She sasses back just as hard.

Reds chuckles but notices her voice and gives her this look, she nods and he leaves us to get onto the plane. Probably checking she was okay, I get that and I'd understand if she told him. But she's being protective of me.

I lean down to her and whisper, "You are in big trouble once I get you alone."

"Can't wait." Her voice is still husky as she winks up at me.

"I'm okay Simon." She reassures me, she can tell I'm still worried about her. I've never been so anxious in my life, I could of really hurt her and that scared the shit out of me. Luckily she stayed calm and was able to calm me too, she said the sweetest things. They were on repeat in my head all night while I laid there listening to her heartbeat, keeping her safe.

I put my hand on her back and guide her towards the airlifter. She isn't leaving my sight today, not for a second.

We tap each other back and forth with our knees or elbows the whole ride there. Everyone knows about us but I like that we do these secret things. It's like we have our own little world that no one else is aware of. She occasionally looks up at me from under her cap, just smiling. I can see some of the bruising on her neck from this angle. I hope she is as okay as she says, i haven't seen it since this morning but i'm sure her neck is more bruised by now.

Once we land, we split into four groups, Ghost, Zeta, Watcher and Bravo. Reaper and Soap with me, Hawks and Reds in team Zeta, Price, Gaz and MacGyver in Bravo. Trekkie and Bolt are providing overwatch from the roof of the next building over. We are taking out a transport hub in Paracotos, a town outside Caracas. Its not a big place but one of the main highways runs right through it.

So far we have cleared two of the storage bays, Bravo team is sweeping the office block and Zeta is clearing aircraft hanger and the repair bay. Reaper is hanging back, sticking between Soap and I. Following orders and moving as we move. I've never seen her this compliant, i don't know if it's for me or if it's because of everything that happened yesterday. Either way it doesn't matter, she isn't being reckless.

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