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LOVES FINEST | neymar jr
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     Neymar had literally collapsed onto the benches in the changing room. He sighed dramatically, rubbing his face with his hand.

He had made me come to the changing rooms with him, it was pretty packed with his teammates, however none of them were changing yet, they were just catching their breath and chatting.

     Neymar beckoned me to go over and sit next to him. So i did. He didn't say anything, just pulled me closer so that our legs were touching.

     "Hello guys!" Leo said happily, walking up to us, some spare clothes in his hands to change into.

     Neymar just hummed, clearly tired as he stretched his legs out, shifting his lower body and leaning back on the wall  with his eyes closed.

     "Hi." I replied politely, and Messi grinned at me, sitting down next to me which sandwiched me in between him and Neymar.

     "What did you think of training?" he asked, beginning to unzip his jacket. He leaned in to whisper, quite loudly, "More specifically, what did you think of Neymar training?"

     Neymar opened his eyes, picking his head up from the wall. "Shut up, Leo." he pulled his shirt off above his head, not caring i was here. He chucked it behind me.

     I didn't even look away, i shamelessly stared at his abs. It wasn't the first time i've ever seen them..

     However I respected him enough to actually look away after a couple  seconds of staring.

     He just childishly grinned to himself, a smug look on his face.

     The other people had gotten changed without me noticing and were starting to leave, saying their goodbyes to Neymar and Leo who was still next to me. Some of them even said goodbye to me,  which made me surprised.

     Neymar had put a new shirt on and he groaned, as he twisted his body to the side to grab his jacket. I looked over at him. "What's wrong?"

     Leo looked over as well, feeling left out that he wasn't involved in the conversation. He was like a child.

     "My side." he complained, giving Leo a dead look. "Him over there, decided to kick my  side instead of the  ball before you got here, and now it's just staring to hurt."

     "I said it was an accident!" he said defensively, standing up. He began picking his stuff up.

"Put something cold on it when you get home." I told him, looking at his side that was covered by his t shirt.

He nodded, bringing his hand up to rest on the side of my face. He then pulled me closer, wrapping one of his arms around the back of my neck and the other around the lower half of my body. "obrigado por vir"
[thanks for coming] he spoke into my neck quietly , making me shiver.

I wrapped my arms slowly around his torso. "Of

"I'm going now!" Leo announced loudly, his body out of the changing room door, however his head was poking through.

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘁, neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now