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╔═══*.·:·.☽ ✧ ☾.·:·.*═══╗
LOVES FINEST | neymar jr
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aurelia.maro has posted on her instagram story!

maro has posted on her instagram story!

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viewed by @/leomessi, @/user69 and 61,269 others

We had been looking around town now for almost an hour and we haven't gone ice skating. We have passed it once, but Neymar had steered me away from in, telling me we would come back to it.

"If anything, Ney." I spoke, bumping my shoulder into his. "I'd say you were scared to go ice skating."

     He peered down at me with a raise of his eyebrows. "And why is that amor?"

We we're currently walking through a secluded bit of the town where there was only a few shops, and barely anyone around. Neymar decided it was the best option to leave the busiest part of the town, to avoid crows and paparazzi finding out where we were.

     "Because we've walked past the ice rink, and choose to not do it." I replied and watched him narrow his eyes at me. "If you are scared of breaking your ankle, just say so. But that wouldn't happen, because you are so good at ice skating, right?"

    Neymar heard the smugness in my voice and literally dived on my back. His feet never left the floor, however he put most of his body weight on me, as he wrapped his arms around my neck as he was stood behind me.

     I tilted my head to the side as I felt Neymar decide to place his head on my collar bone. He wasn't  heavy, but I didn't expect it so it almost made us topple over.

     "Neymar." I choked out with a laugh, putting my hands on his arms and I heard him laugh in my ear.

      "It's fine." Neymar dismissed, letting go of me. "We do that all the time in training."

     "I'm not one of your teammates." I laughed, and began to pat my hair down as it was now everywhere.

He hummed, moving my hands down to my sides so he could help me sort my hair out. Once he was done, he pulled me by my arm making me stumble into his side as we walked past cute little shops.

"You know.." he spoke, as he tangled his fingers between mine, making me smile and look down. "When I ask you to be my girlfriend.. again.. I'm going to try and make it some what special for you."

I swear I almost stopped breathing. He didn't say if, he said when.

     Without me releasing, I tightened my grip on his hand and I heard him laugh softly. Oh my fuck, this was the confirmation that I needed that he liked me. My head was spiralling and I had a fuzzy feeling and I just knew I had a stupid smile on my face.

     it made me wonder what it would be like to be in a relationship with him again, things would definitely be different this time. We weren't kids anymore. We've changed, and with his football career and how famous he was, it was bound to be difficult. But right now, I didn't care about that.

     "Você está bem?" he asked, rubbing my hand with his thumb. He had noticed my quietness. [are you okay?]

     I tilted my head up to look at him and once he saw the smile on my face, he immediately relaxed and realised he hadn't said anything wrong. "Im okay."

     We had stopped walking and he had pulled me to the side of the little street we were walking down, and he had pressed his back against a cobbled wall, making me stand in front of him. My chest was pressed up against his and he trailed his hands, resting just above my ass again and he intertwined them, locking me in place against him.

     This time I didn't comment about his hand placement.

       This was the quiet bit of the town, thankfully and the only people that occasionally passed were old couples, looking to browse in some old vintage shops that were around. I would not of liked to see what people would of had to say if pictures of us had got out like this.

I put my hands on his chest. "Can we go ice skating now?"

     Neymar huffed and tilted his head. I gave him my best smile and he rolled his eyes. "Yes, we can."

★ ★ ★

We did end up going ice skating. Neymar was reluctant to go but I had practically dragged him there.

There was loads of people that had spotted him when we walked onto the ice rink and wanted pictures. I found it quite awkward but Neymar included me in most of the pictures which I was quite surprised about, and none of the fans seemed to mind either.

Neymar was actually better at iceskating then I had thought, he even had to hold onto me a few times so that I didn't fall.

"I'm cold." I complained, as my teeth started to chatter. I was also getting a little bit bored now, I thought it would be way more exciting.

Neymar also tried pushing me over at least five times but backfired on him when I attempted to pull him down with me. That resulted in him ending up saving me because he didn't want to fall either.

"You wanted to come here" He replied, giving me a 'I-told-you-so' look as he leaned against the railing in the rink. I slowly skated towards him and let my body fall into his as he gripped my hips, and steadied me.

"Can we leave now?" I asked, placing my hands on his arms. We hadn't been here long, but I was starting to get hungry as well.

      He nodded and we tried to dodge the multiple people that came our way, asking for pictures. Neymar made sure he had a strong grip on me as he occasionally stopped for people.

      But he knew just as much as me that we would have to leave very soon before any paparazzi came, it was quite a miracle that none had turned up yet.

      Today was a good day, apart from Leo almost blowing himself up with the toaster situation.. and talking about toasters I would completely leave the toaster that was in the back of his car, for him to deal with.

     But my mind kept running back to what Neymar had said to me earlier. About when he would ask me to be his girlfriend. I was not going to stop thinking about that now, and it would definitely keep me on my toes, just wondering when he was going to do it.

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LOVES FINEST | neymar jr
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this is so short and rushed, i've been so ill today but i wanted to get at least something out for you guys. This is definitely not my best work but i'm hoping to get a chapter out much earlier tomorrow to make up for it.
i'm so sorry. <3

also that picture of bruna and neymar. ;( miss them a lot. but for this fic, we are obviously going to imagine that as aurelia and neymar.
- freya. x

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘁, neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now