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LOVES FINEST | neymar jr
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Neymar's POV ☾.·:·.*

"Take your damn time!" Leo shouts through the drivers window in his car.

He had both of his hands on the steering wheel, and he had a stressed look on his face. He did not like being late, especially because he was the coaches favourite.

I roll my eyes slightly with a smile, and i didn't bother to lock the front door because Aurelia and Rafa were still in the house.

I walked slowly down the steps, just to piss Leo off. He beeped his horn and I laughed as I got into the passenger side.

"You are lucky that I still waited for you." He huffed like a child, not hesitating to drive off straight away.

"I slept in." I shrugged, rolling the window down a little bit.

"Was Aurelia there with you this morning?" he asked, taking a quick glance at me, wiggling his brows.

"You are like a teenager." I shook my head, spreading my legs a little bit. "But yes, she was."

     Damn, this car had barley any leg room. 

     Leo grinned excitedly. "I like Aurelia. Always have."

     I rose my brow, giving him a look. "Always have? Leo, you've known her for a couple of days?.."

     He shrugged, "Antonella likes her too."

    I turned my head towards the window, trying to contain my grin. It was good to know that one of the people that I was closest to the most, liked her. Just for the future... you know...

"And anyway." Leo continued. "It's not as if I've never heard of her before. You talked about her a lot—"

"Stop talking." I mutter, crossing my arms like a child.

     Maybe he was slightly right? But nobody needed to know that..

After about fifteen minutes of Leo asking me random questions about Aurelia, we finally arrived at training.

"We should all go out one night." Leo said, handing his car keys to a man at the reception desk.

We walked through the halls to the changing rooms. I was really not in the mood for training today, I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"What and end up having to look after you, drunk? No thank you." I scoffed, opening the changing room door to see mostly everyone there.

"Neymar, that was one time.." Leo whined.

"You boys finally decided to turn up." Coach spoke, hands on his hips as he watched us chuck our bags down.

"It was all Neymars fault." Leo rushed out, making me throw my hands up in the air.

Little golden boy..

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