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LOVES FINEST | neymar jr
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"I can't believe that you are a millionaire, Lionel, and you let your car break down." Antonella sighed, tapping her hands on the wheel of her car.

"I didn't let it break down." Leo defended himself. "It's not my fault, I can't help it."

Me and Neymar shared a look in the backseats of the car. Luckily Antonella wasn't doing anything as she didn't have Thiago with her, he was spending the evening with one of his friends.

"We should of just took separate cars." Neymar spoke up and Leo turned in his seat to give him a death stare.

"What so you'd be fine, and I would be on my own, broken down?" He said, turning back around.

     He was such a kid.

     "Exactly that." Neymar lowered his voice, for only me to hear.

     I smiled slightly. I cant believe all of this fuss was because of my phone. I sighed and Neymar grabbed a section of my hair, twirling it around his finger. I found it relaxing. I rested my head against the window.

How was we going to get back? I doubt Antonella was going to want to drive us back and then back to her house.

     When we arrived, I almost sighed in relief, I would finally get my phone back after what felt like ages.

     Neymar waited for me to get out the car and I kinda felt bad for Leo. He had no car, well for now anyway. However, i found the situation quite funny and so did Neymar.

     Leo was trying to explain to Antonella that it wasn't his fault that his car broke down as we walked down the pathway to the front door. Me and Neymar shared a quick glance, biting the inside of our cheeks to not laugh.

It was nearing around 5pm and the night was beginning to draw in. I loved it when it got dark quite early. Me and Neymar stayed close to eachother, our arms occasionally brushing. Neymar took it upon himself to grasp my hand with his, our fingers interlocking.

I looked down at our hands that were now joined and I smiled to myself. Goodness me. I felt his thumb rub gently on the back of my hand which made my stomach literally flip.

When we had reached the door, Antonella suddenly started to frantically search her pockets. She moved some hair out of her face, and she had a guilty expression on her face.

"I've lost the house keys.."

"OH GIVE ME A BREAK!" Leo shouted, looking up at the sky. He placed his hands on his head before sitting down, against one of the walls.

     This day was getting funnier by the minute.

     "We are going to get burgled, someone has our house keys, what about all my trophies?" Leo started to mutter to himself as he placed his head in his hands.

He was slightly going insane.

"I literally had them because i locked the door when I came to get you guys." She said to me and Neymar confused.

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘁, neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now