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Chapter 19.


          "Do you seriously have a death wish?"

I look up from my usual table in the cafeteria and into Ryan's concerned face. I shrug at him.

Ryan places his tray down on the table across from me and sits on the bench. "You can't fight AJ. Trust me, there are plenty of guys all over town who have tried and failed--and not just high schoolers."

"Yeah well, I'm not from this town." Is all I say to him.

He shakes his head at me and starts to eat his food. "Don't think I'm not pissed that I had to find out from a bunch of gossiping Sophmores, when you could've told me in class."

"Look," I say to him, "I just want to forget about it for now. Hopefully, AJ does too."

"Why? You finally taking notice of your stupidity?"

I glare at him. "No. I just..I'm not in the best shape for a fight right now. I thought I could handle myself, but getting pinned at the lockers this morning was a harsh reality check."

Ryan frowns at me. "You look pretty in shape to me." He quickly adds on with a bland look, "And that's not me hitting on you."

"I'll try not to be too offended by that." I say. He looks at me expectantly, and I shove my fork into a slice of chicken. "Things in Boston didn't end well for me, it's why we moved. My ribs were in pretty rough shape, they were starting to heal but recently they've been causing me some more pain."

Ryan nods slowly. "So you should probably stop getting yourself into fights."

Grateful that he didn't push for more information than I gave, I nod. "Probably."

After a few minutes of us eating in silence, or as much silence as you can get in a room full of teenagers, I speak up again. "You don't happen to know any decent gyms around here do you? My local one...isn't the best option for me right now."

Ryan raises an eyebrow at me. "Is any gym an option for you right now? You know, with your," he waves his fork towards my chest, "condition?"

I shrug, "Probably not, but I have to prepare myself for the worst. AJ can call this fight in at any time, I have to be ready."

Ryan takes a moment before answering. "I think you have some time. I know AJ, and I know he hasn't fought in a few months so he'll be getting himself prepared, just like you."

I look over to where AJ sits with his sister and their friends, a damper over their usual energetic atmosphere. Raven has conveniently angled herself away from AJ and is speaking only to Rissa and Alex.

"He's still in better shape than I am though."

"Maybe, but his social calendar for the next few weeks also isn't great for trying to organise and prepare for a fight like this."

"His social calendar?" I repeat. "Dude, should I be worried?"

Ryan laughs awkwardly and shakes his head, looking down at the table. "No, I-I'm not stalking him or anything. I used to be in that group, remember? Old habits don't die with those guys."

"Right," I drag out.

He glances up at me before looking away again. "AJ only fights on the weekends, the place he uses, the bets are a lot higher then."

I nod, trying not to compare this place he's describing to Boston. One fight, and that's it. That's all I need to keep saying to myself. All I have to do is fight AJ, win, and that's it. If I end up getting some cash from it in the process, then it's a double win.

"This weekend is too short notice," Ryan continues. "Although he has been known to do it before--but he won't, like I said, it's been a few months. Next weekend he's already in the lineup for...something else."

"Something else?"

Ryan nods, "So with giving himself an extra week or two, I'd say you have until mid-October, maybe a month if you're lucky."

Four weeks. I had at least four weeks--if Ryan was to be believed--for my ribs to heal and get myself literally fighting fit.

"Right." I say with a bit of edge. "So back to my previous question, which I need even more desperately now. Any good gyms?"

Ryan laughs, "Do I look like someone who frequently visits the gym?"

I glance down at his slim physique. "Touche."

"Where do you go now?"

"It's not far from my place, the Absolute one."

Ryan's face pulls into a small frown, then he nods in realisation. "That's where AJ and Raven go too. I take it that's why it's not an option any more?"

I nod, "I've seen Raven there a couple times, she cornered me this morning..." I trail off, remembering  what she said to me about Ryan, what she told me to ask him.

Ryan's body stills, but he tries to remain casual as he asks, "What did she say?"

I hesitate, thinking over our...conversation. "We got into over the party, then you. I told her I wanted to keep an eye out for you from her and her brother, since you're the only decent person in this place."

"That's it?" He asks. "Pretty mild for Raven."

I hum an agreement as I shovel some food in mouth, Ryan watching me.

"What else did she say?" He says in a low voice. At my feigned confusion, he raises an eyebrow. "You're not the only one who can notice things, there's something else that was said and you're not telling me."

I breathe out and drop my fork, giving him my full attention. "She said to ask you who the real...bully was in this situation." My wave my hand towards Raven's table. "She left as soon as she said it."

Ryan's eyes glaze over as looks away from me, something trawling on his mind.

I lean forward to avoid any prying ears, though I doubt there would be any. "Look, I've asked before, but you gotta tell me what went down between you guys. I'm stuck in the dark here and I can't keep getting caught up with them if I don't know what happened."

"Then stop getting caught up with them." Ryan snaps at me. "You got on their radar before we met. I had nothing to do with that."

I lower my voice, eyes hardening. "But everything that's happened since then has been because we met, because I hang out with you and want to help you."

"I didn't ask for your help." He hisses.

"Are you seriously getting pissy with me, Ryan?" I narrow my eyes at him. "If it's not a big deal, then just tell me what happened."

"I-" Ryan clenches his jaw as if he was holding in breath, then glances around the cafeteria. "Not here."

"No one's listening." I urge him. He shakes his head, just as the warning bell sounds, signalling the end of lunch.

I sigh through my nose at the lost opportunity, and Ryan quickly gets to his feet and gathers his things. "We're not done talking about this."

Ryan says nothing, and I watch his retreating figure get lost in the crowd filing out of the cafeteria.

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