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Chapter 18.


          I woke up extra early on Monday morning, determined to get in an hour's work out at the gym before going to school.

After leaving AJ a note on the kitchen counter telling him to take my school bag with him in the car, I leave my bag on the floor below the note so he doesn't get in a fit about having to look around the house for it. Driving on my bike with a gym bag is annoying enough, having two is just ridiculous.

My work out routine is always the same; stretches, treadmill, weights then finishing off at the punching bags. Today however, the universe decided to spice things up a little and get my temper rising. I know this because the first person I see when I walk out of the changing rooms is who other than Gray Taylor, jogging on a treadmill. At the pace he's going, it doesn't seem like he's been here long.

I turn to go around the corner and start off with something different, but stop myself and look back at him, remembering that he's the reason Jonah is in the hospital. That, and his dad gave him shit for throwing another party in his absence.

Deciding to be brazen, I march over to Gray and before he can react to my sudden appearance, yank the safety clip out of the machine, causing it to abruptly stop. Gray stumbles and has to grab ahold of the side bars to stop himself from falling over.

Once he's stabilised himself, he pulls out his earphones and glares at me. "The fuck is your problem?" He demands.

I keep my hard gaze set on his face and not his toned arms.

"What is your problem?" Gray growls out again when all I do is glare at him.

"Me?" I narrow my eyes and point at him. "You're the one that put my friend in the fucking hospital." I grind out.

"He deserved it." Gray narrows his eyes and steps off the treadmill, lowering his height.

"And why's that?"

Gray's jaw ticks. "He bumped me."

I raise an eyebrow questioningly and then give out a short laugh. "Seriously? He bumped you so you punch him square in the jaw?"

His eyes narrow and he shakes his head at me.

I shake my head and scoff. "You're a fucking kid. An immature, reckless hot head."

"And what does that make you, sweetheart?" He scowls.

"At least I know when to pick my fights." Before he can reply, I poke my finger at his chest, hard. "Stay the fuck away from me and my friends. Stay away from my brother and stay away from Ryan."

He shoves my had off him and steps towards me, glaring down, his jaw clenching in anger. "What happened between them?"

"That's none of your business."

"I think it is."

I give a short laugh, "why? Got a crush on Ryan, is that it?"

"Now who's immature?" Gray shakes his head.

I shake my head at him. "You've known the guy five minutes."

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