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Chapter 22.


My phone buzzes in the pocket of my black jeans with a text message. I look over at the freshman science teacher sat reading the newspaper at the front of the classroom before pulling out my phone. I exhale through my nose at Will's text, asking why I didn't pick him and Mason up from school.

Around me, the other students in detention are content with biding their time; some are doing homework, others blatantly on their phones, whilst the ones that are in here regularly are lounging in their chairs, sleeping by the looks of it.

I type a reply to Will saying that something came up and that I would be home before dinner.

"Psst." The sharp noise, makes me look over to my right, eyeing up a fellow senior, Dylan, who was no stranger to this classroom.

I raise an eyebrow at him in question, and he leans closer to me.

"Is it true your brother's arranging a session at Solomon's with the new kid?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

Dylan was also no stranger to the tracks we often go to, but I hadn't realised he knew about the ring too.

I give him a pointed look. "Maybe. Why?"

Dylan shrugs and leans back into his seat. "Easy money. That kid won't be walking out of there."

I nod and look away with a bored expression. "Yep."

The rest of the hour goes by painfully slow, so by the time we're allowed to leave I'm walking fast down the hall, the heels of my boots clipping against the floors of the quiet hallways.

"You racing Saturday?" Dylan's voice makes me turn my head as I push through the outer doors.

"No, but I'll be there." I tell him.

"Sweet." He nods at me as we part ways in the parking lot. "Tell your brother I've got two hundred bucks riding on him."

I raise my hand in a half assed wave and sling my shoulder bag over my chest and around to my back as I get on my bike. The engine purrs to life beneath me, the sound filling my body.

The ride home during rush hour traffic was relatively easy on the bike, but it still makes me sigh by the time I pull into our driveway and turn off the engine. It had been a long day, and all I wanted to do was having a long, hot shower and curl up in bed with Gossip Girl on.

But I knew that wouldn't be possible.

The shouting reaches my ears before I even approach the outside of the door, making me sigh again. It was even louder once I opened it, the voices of all my brothers overlapping one another.

I place my helmet, gloves and keys on the table by the door and kick off my boots, padding through to the open plan kitchen and living area.

"What the hell is going on?" I raise my voice above theirs, eyebrows furrowed as Mason and Will turn to me and start shouting again, trying to explain who was in the right.

"I'm just trying to do homework—"

"He ruined my colored pens—"

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