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Chapter 8.


Ever since Raven Mitchell confronted Ryan in the cafeteria, he hasn't shown up for school. Granted, it's only been a few days, but for someone who's been absent the past two weeks and is already failing, it doesn't seem like he can afford to skip class more than he already has.

A small part of me is questioning why I even care, but the more rational side is saying that something bad might've happened to him, after all, the scene he had with Raven seemed pretty intense. The words they exchange have been floating around in my mind ever since it happened, trying to make sense of it all.

"What, am I banned from here too, now? You gonna make transfer to someplace else?"

Is that what happened? Did Raven and her asshat brother make Ryan switch schools? Why does Raven have the power to 'ban' Ryan from anywhere?

Clearly they've known each other for a while for him to speak to her that way, and something must have happened for the Mitchells to get pissed off with Ryan. Were they friends once? More than friends?

I think about how Ryan had been eagerly looking around the cafeteria for someone, and Raven snapping at him saying that 'he' had left, and I assume she meant AJ. Were Ryan and AJ a couple with a nasty break-up? Although it wouldn't exactly surprise me if Ryan were gay, AJ doesn't exactly give off the same vibe, besides, he's a complete jerk who thinks he's better than everyone else, I doubt he and Ryan would actually work well together.

When I walk into the Psychology room, I take one of the vacant seats in the back and watch as everyone else slowly trails in and takes a seat.

My eyes land on Raven as she walks into the room with one of her friends. A lot of people in the class momentarily stop talking when they see her, which makes me wonder if she's the topic of their conversations. She looks like she could care less, however, as she strolls over to the desk in front of mine and sits down without so much as a glance in my direction, her blonde friend beside her talking non-stop.

Looking at them both, it makes me wonder how and why they're friends when they look the complete opposites of each other; Raven's clothes and make-up are dark and her face impassive, but her friend, Alex I think her name is, wears lighter colours and smiles with practically every sentence she speaks.

"—she said she isn't bothered by it, but I can tell that she is." Alex says, this time with a frown instead of a smile as she turns to Raven. "What do you think? You've known her longer than I have."

"I think you worry too much," Raven quirks an eyebrow at her. "Rissa knows that family is important, especially to you." Alex nods at her, her brown eyes captivated by every word Raven says. "It isn't the end of the world, Alex, it's one night. She'll get over it."

"Yeah," Alex sighs as our teacher strolls into the room, closing the door behind him. "But I still feel bad, I mean, she hasn't raced in ages, and tonight I'm missing it!" She huffs and opens up her pink notepad and starts to write in the top corner. "Why couldn't my stupid brother be born tomorrow?"

"I think that's something only a time-machine can solve," Raven says to her with a hint of amusement.

"You don't happen to have one of those, do you?" Alex asks in a serious tone.

Their conversation ends there as the class starts, but I can't help but feel intrigued as to what I overheard. Raven's friend Rissa—I've seen her around, after all, pink braids are sure to stand out even in high school—is doing a race? A race of what? Running? Swimming? Driving? Robots? Horses? The list is endless.

I shake the thought from my head, whatever it is, I don't care. I need to figure out where Ryan is and what the heck happened between him and the Mitchells, their weekend activities can wait to be solved another day.

When the bell rings at the end of class, I stop Raven when she stands out of her seat.

"Hey." To make sure she knows I'm talking to her, I place a hand on her arm. She glares down at my hand and then up at me, raising an eyebrow. I let go of her and keep eye contact, showing her I'm not backing down and that she doesn't scare me. "Where's Ryan?"

Confusion flickers in her blue eyes for a moment before she masks it, hardening her face. Alex looks between the two of us cautiously, clinging her notepad to her chest.

"Why would I know where he is?" Raven folds her arms across her chest and I narrow my eyes slightly.

Hm, maybe because you were the bitch that threatened him to leave school?

I think it, but don't say it. Instead, I decide a different approach that could answer some of my questions.

"How about AJ, would he know?"

This time, it's surprise that lights up on her face, and even Alex freezes in shock. Raven quickly unfolds her arms and is about to step towards me. Her expression can only be described as angry. Really angry.

"Remy, don't!" Alex whispers, quickly grabbing onto Raven's arm.

Remy? What the heck kind of nickname is that?

Alex hastily glances behind Raven at the teacher who is setting up for his next class, and a group of students start to walk into the room. I suddenly remember Monday, where Raven reminds AJ that they had just gotten out of Myers' office. Clearly Alex is trying to warn her that being sent into the Principle's office twice in one week, won't do her any favours.

Raven doesn't move, but her hands clench into tight fists and I try not to smirk at the fact I'm seriously riling her up.

"Take your own advice and leave him alone." Alex says quietly, not taking her eyes off Raven.

I feel my eyebrows inch down at what Alex says. Raven told someone to leave me alone? Who? Ryan? AJ?

"Ms Mitchell, Ms Sutton and Mr Taylor," our teacher calls from the front of the class. "Is there a problem?"

"No, sir." Alex calls back, slowly taking her hand off Raven's arm so she can grab her bag. "We're just talking."

"Well, perhaps you could do that in your own time, and not in the middle of my classroom."

Without another word, Raven turns and storms out of the room, pushing past Juniors as she does. I didn't realise Alex wasn't with her until I hear her voice from beside me.

"I suggest you drop this," she says to me. Her face is soft, but her tone is rather firm as she shakes her head. "There is so much that you don't want to know."

With that, she turns and follows Raven out of the door, and to avoid getting yelled at, I do the same. I turn my head in time to see Raven barge through a set of closed double doors at the end of the hall, Alex scurrying after her, having a harder time than Raven is by walking in three-inch heels and a skirt.

"What was that all about?"

I turn my head to the source of the voice beside me and see Ryan standing by a locker, grabbing a book.

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