Chapter 3: A Date

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    When I got home, I walked up to my room and changed into a denum button-up and tucked it in a white skirt and put on a brown belt. I also put on some cowgirl boots and crueled my hair. I touched my make-up up and put my hand gun in my purse.

    I texts Niall telling him I'm ready.

    To: Target

     Hey! I'm redy and I'm driving so I'll see you there!! <3

     From: Target

     Great!! I'll see you in a ittle bit! Can't wait! <3

      Cute, but he is pretty lame. Why couldn't I have gotten a mission with like, Ed Sherron or Justin Timberlake?! Those guys are so, so, so much better!

      I walked out to my car nd started it. I sat my phone on the dash and turned on the radio. Another song from One Direction!Yay! Not. I think its called Little Things. It's too slow and I hate it. Ring, ring! I picked my phone off the dash and looked at the screen. Unknown numer. This should be interesting!

      "Hello? May I ask who this is?" I asked in a nice tone.

      "Hell no! You better watch your little friend. He's gotten himself in some deep shit and get out." A deep voiced man said who also sounds like he smokes three packs a day.

     "What do you mean?"

    "I mean he's been a bad boy and owes me some money! Bitch!"

    "Money for what?!"

    "D.........r......" I hang up on the guy and threw my phone in the seat next to me! He better not mean drugs. Niall should know better! Wait... what am I saying?! I'm not Niall's mom! But I should at least keep him from being killed from some one other than me. 

    The rest of the car ride I was pretty uneasy. I noticed a car tailing me for about 7 miles. Since I'm at Olive Garden, they parked a few spots away from me and is probably waiting on Niall. I see the black van pull up with Paul driving and I know he's here. I wait for them to park and I make sure I have my hand gun in my purse. I do.

      I see Niall exit the car wearing a cute blue polo, brown pants and white shoes. He's hair is in a quiff as usual. He actually looks pretty cute. Just the way walks out of the car make you want to run up to him and kiss him all over! Wait what?! I'm not falling for Niall am I? Am I? Once he sees me, he smiles and I start to walk towards him. Even his smile gives me chills! Damn it! I think I'm falling for him!  He waves good-bye to Paul.

      "Hey hot stuff!" I say and playfully hit Niall in the arm. He blushes and rubs his arm nervously. 

     "Thanks. You look really good too!" I smile but I try to make it fake-ish, but who am I kidding?! I really like him! I take his hand and I lead him to the door. I also noticed that the people who was following me have gotten out of their car and are securing their hand guns under their clothes. Niall jogs in front of me and opens the door for me. I flash him a quick smile and walk to the woman at the desk.

      "Table for two please." I say kindly.

     "Right this way." She says back.

     We both follow her and sit next to the window in the back of the restaurant. Niall pulls my chair out for me and I quickly sit down allowing him to scoot me back in. He sits down and we both order water for our drinks. I've also seen people staring at us and taking pictures. I really shoudn't have my face all over the internet. My adviser isn't going to like this.

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