believe in what your heart is saying

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Fandom: Rise of the Guardians
Summary: It's been a while since the Guardians saw each other. They have been busy trying to gain more belief after the Pitch situation and didn't have enough time for the monthly Guardian meeting. Well, they did but they didn't talk as much. However, their latest meeting has Jack wondering if he is worth it.
Takes place: A couple months after the movie. At Santoff Claussen.
Relationships: Jack & Bunny (Platonic bros), Jack & North (Platonic, father and son), Jack & Sandy (Platonic besties) Jack & Tooth (Platonic, mother and son).


Third Person:

Jack was in no rush to get to the meeting. Not at all. He was busy thinking about his sister and his past family. And they probably wouldn't do much in the meeting, as usual. Bunny always says that they never had to have meetings where they didn't even get to say hi like they have to deal with now. They were just picking up the pieces after Pitch. 

Jack couldn't help but feel at fault. He didn't know why. He also didn't do anything wrong! Right? They all blamed him for "working with Pitch" and didn't even let him tell them what happened. Sometimes it felt like they were obligated to be around him and he didn't want it to be like that. If he was truly that  annoying, he could leave them alone. But he felt like there were finally people out there that actually believed he was good at what he does.

But he was starting to doubt it sitting at the meeting table.

Everyone was all over the place. Except for Jack who was sitting down making snowflakes with his spirit powers. He had an obvious look of sadness and disappointment. No one noticed due to them being busy. He then suddenly made a very beautiful snowflake shaped like a heart. He tried to get the others' attention to check it out but they didn't hear him.

Jack knew that they were just doing stuff but he couldn't help but feel invisible again as tears trickled down his face and he sniffled. The sniffles and small whimpers turned onto sobs as rested his head at the table, hiding his face. Then the loud conversation and sounds around him suddenly got quiet and the only thing he heard were his own sobs. 

"Jack, honey...what's wrong?" Said a calm and sweet voice. It must be Tooth.

Jack sniffled and sobbed even more. He just didn't want to reply. He wanted to go back to the piles of snow and just hide from everything.

"Hey uh...mate you okay?" Mate. He heard Bunny. What did he care though?!

"Jack, my friend, you can tell us what iz wrong. We can help you." Definitely.

The he felt something next to him. He looked up with his red eyes at the glowing gold dolphin. He looked at Sandy, his oldest friend as a spirit and smiled. He smiled back.

"Now, tell us what's wrong, Frostbite." Bunny said.

"I just...didn't like you guys always being busy now that I am a Guardian and after the battle against Pitch. We never get to just talk so I feel more seen."

There was a moment of silence.

"We iz sorry, Jack. Very. We should clear up our schedules for snowball fight sometime soon."

"No! Frostbite always wins and it is freezing."

"Bunny! Not now." Tooth scolded.

What North said. Sandy signed. We should get together more often to do things other than our jobs so we can have fun.

"Yeah. Yeah I'd like that." Jack smiled up at them.

"You're not gonna make us hug ya. Are ya?" Bunny asked.

"Yes I am!" Jack said just to annoy Bunny. To tick him off further Jack pulled them all into a hug.

"We're gonna have to deal with this crazy insane anklebiter for eternity, aren't we."


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