hear the melody that's playing

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Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy (MCU)
Summary: The Guardians are on their way to very important mission when they can decide as a group what song they want to listen to. (drabble)
Takes place: In between GOTG 1 and GOTG 2, Somewhere in space.
Relationships: The Team (ALL platonic relationships, not even Gamora and Quill yet)


Quill's POV:

The ship was quiet. Well not quiet quiet but too quiet for me. I wanted my music on again but everyone wanted to listen to something different. I mean, I am proud of them for finally liking my music, but they just can't agree. Even though I offer to choose one, they are still picky.

I sighed loudly, hoping to get their attention and for them to stop arguing but they just wouldn't shut up!

"Guys stop! This is weird. Just listen to one song and then someone else's, someone else's, so on and so forth." I said.

"Yeah but where's the fun in that? I want to hear the not awful one's first." Rocket said.

"They are not awful!" Quill protested.


"Well I am dominant in battle. I should get to choose." Drax said.

"And I am the craziest assassin in the entire universe and all of you have bad music taste." Gamora said. 

"Says you!" Rocket said back.

"Hey! Gremlin! Yoshi! Knock it off and just pick a song. I'm the one who's actually suffering here." I complained. 

"What's a Gremlin and Yoshi?" Drax asked in the background, but we decided to ignore him for no good reason.

"She wants to listen to Sam Cooke but he is so bad at music!" Rocket said.

I gasped loudly almost taking my eyes off the course. "How dare you! Sam Cooke was an absolute legend!"

Gamora smirked at Rocket, "Told ya."

"Just play Ain't No Mountain High Enough." Rocket said. Nobody said anything to protest and Gamora was still smirking, so I just played it. Then it seemed that Rocket transferred Gamora some units. Did they have a bet? Was I the center of said bet?


I can't with these people.

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