you have everything you need

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Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Harry realizes that even though he has lost a lot, he still has his best friends. 
Takes place: Right after the 3rd book/movie
Relationships: Harry & Ron (Platonic), Harry & Hermione (Platonic), Ron & Hermione (Platonic)


Third Person:

Harry was overwhelmed. As usual. 

Now that everything was sorted out he could relax. 

He remembered how he thought he'd seen his dad when the dementors attacked. 

It wasn't. 

He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

All of a sudden his two best friends snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Come on Hermione! Harry! You don't think my jokes are bad, do you?" Ron asked.

"Uh- I guess it depends on the joke." Harry said.

"Okay. Why is dark spelled with a K and not a C?"

"Why?" Harry asked glancing at Hermione in the background who was rolling her eyes.

"Because you can't see in the dark." Ron said with a broad grin upon his face.

Harry sighed and dropped his head in his hands at the joke but he couldn't help the smile that snuck up onto his face and chuckled a bit. 

They'll all be okay.

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