•~The Winter Side~•

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~ On their way back ~

"Hm.... Hey guys...," Gopal called his friends out in a rather suspicious voice.

"What's wrong Gopal?" Asked BoBoiBoy.

"Do you guys ever wonder why...," Gopal didn't finished his sentence, instead he just keep quiet.

"Haiyaa! Just tell us already!" Demand Ying being impatient.

"Nope... Nevermind. Just forget it," said Gopal making the others more curious.

"Tch! Shadow Fingers!" Said Fang summoning some shadow looking fingers and made the fingers lift Gopal up.

"UWAAH!! LET ME DOWN!! PLEASE LET ME DOWN!! UHUHUHU~" Cry Gopal, begging to be free.

"I'll let you go after you told us what are you gonna say earlier!" Demanded Fang.

"Uhuhuhu~ I was just curious why the King's name sounds like a girl name, huhu~ please let me down~" cried Gopal making the others jaw dropped.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE CURIOUS ABOUT?!" they yelled at the same time and Fang make his shadow fingers disappear making Gopal fell on the road hard.

"Ouch! Uhuhu~ I was just curious~" cried Gopal.

"What a stupid nonsense," said Fang, rolling his eyes and continue walking.

"... I also wandered why King Natsu eyes were glowing earlier... You guys are curious about it too right?" Said Gopal making everyone stop walking and look at him.

"What? I'm just spitting facts, seems like I know you guys to much huh?" Said Gopal with a smirk.

Fang just sighed and said, "Forget about that, we need to prepare our things to go to the winter side. As soon as we get back, get everything ready and then we'll go, okay?" Ask Fang, waiting for his friends to agree, and you probably already know the answer. All of them nodded and agrees to Fang ideas.

~Time Skip, After they arrive at their ship and explain everything to Papa~

"What?! The thief is on the winter side?! So that's mean we need to go there?! Like, right now?!" Yelled the teacher as soon as he get the information, making his students cover they ears with both of their hands.

"Omg! For the second time Teacher! Yes! We need to go there right away!" Yelled Ying, being the short-tempered person she is.

"Hah... Alright, alright! But we need to get ready first! Do we have enough food? What about jacket? The winter clothes? Is everything ready?" Ask the teacher making sure everything.

"We already prepared all of that stuff teacher, now we just need to wait for you to get yourself ready," said Yaya.

"Hah... Alright, let's go! Go to your sit and hold tight!" Demand the teacher while his students did as he told.

~A few minutes later~

(They already arrived at the Winter Side, but didn't land yet)

"Woah... It's so pretty..." Said BoBoiBoy, adoring the view.

"Everything is covered in white..." Said Ying and Yaya agrees.

"So? What's your next plan Fang?" Ask Yaya as she sat infront of Fang who seems to be thinking about something.

"Hm... When we landed, let's go to the castle first," said Fang.

"Ehh... Why? Didn't we already get King Natsu permission? Do we need to ask for King Yuki permission too?" Whine Gopal.

"I read some information lately that the Kings of Ryverse had some kind of technology that can track an intruder that enter Ryverse. That's why we ask King Natsu for permission so they wouldn't mistake us as a villain," explain Fang.

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