•~Honour Guest~•

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Fang arrived at Ryverse, The Summer Side. He land safely at some place near the palace, he needs to ask permission to stay in Ryverse for a while.

Fang got off his space ship and look around. He then started to walk toward the palace.

'Hey, is that him?'

'Is he the one that your majesty talk about?'

'I think it is him'

'We can't be too sure about it! He might be a dangerous person!'

'It is him! Look! A dark purple hair with a red eyes wearing glasses! That's definitely him!'

'The one that is heading towards us? Are you sure?'

'Yes! A hundred percent!'

Fang keep walking to the palace but as soon as he get near, the gates open up.

"Open the gate!" Said one of the soldiers.

"Lead him to the king!"

(What is happening?) Thought Fang.

Fang stop his step in front of the palace gates.

(Aren't they supposed to do a spot check first?) Thought Fang again, waiting for anything to happen.

"Please don't just stand there, Our Honour Guest," said one of the soldier.

This scenery made Fang shocked a bit.

(What is this?) Thought Fang.

"Our Honour Guest, this way please," said one of the soldiers while showing Fang the way.

The soldiers then lead Fang into the palace. Fang just follow from behind, wondering, 'what is happening?'

The soldiers knocked on one of the door and say, "Your Majesty! Our Honour Guest has arrived!"

They wait for a few seconds before a voice say,

"Let him in!"

And with that, the door open wide. The soldiers bow showing their sign of polite before leaving Fang alone.

At first, Fang just look to the room.

(It's dark) thought Fang.

"Come in," say a voice that Fang can clearly remember.

With hesitation, Fang took his first step in. The deeper he goes into the room, the more lighter the room became.

At the end of the room, Fang saw both of the King together.
The King of The Summer and
The King of The Winter is together.

(What is happening actually?) Thought Fang. Ever since he arrived, his thought is full of 'what is happening?'

"Come and take a sit with us," said The King of Summer but Fang shakes his head.

"I do not have the right to sit with the kings," said Fang politely.

The King of Winter, King Yuki chuckles hearing Fang answers.

"Don't be like that, you are Our Honour Guest after all," said King Yuki.

The King of Summer, King Natsu smiles cheerily.

With hesitation, Fang take a sit in front of the Kings.

King Natsu's yellow eyes and King Yuki's white blue eyes stare at Fang making him kinda uncomfortable.

"I know you would come," said King Natsu making Fang shocked.

"How?" Ask Fang. He is now ready with anything that is about to happen.

His hands started to appear some shadows as he is ready to summon any kind of shadow animal.

"Now, now, calm down. We mean no harm," said King Yuki.

(Like I can believe that) thought Fang to himself.

"I have the power to predict the future," explain King Natsu.

"While I have the power to change the past," said King Yuki.

"... So you knew that I will come?" Ask Fang again making sure.

"Yes, we know. Because before this, the magicians did say that 'one of our kind but different planet will come' with that I'm sure that the person that the magicians mentioned is you," said King Natsu.

"The Magicians..?" Asked Fang.


"Don't you have the power to predict the future? Why do you need the magicians to confirm about the future?" Ask Fang.

"Because my power is only 'prediction'. Anything could happen to change the future. Unlike the magicians who could 'see' the future," explain King Natsu.

And then there were silence for a few seconds.

"Do you know... Why I come here..?" Ask Fang.

King Yuki nodded his head.

"You wanted to find out about Reverse and find some information about this planet to give it to your commander right?" Said King Yuki.

"But your true intentions is to find out about Reverse right?" Ask King Natsu.

Fang nodded his head. It is his true intentions. He wouldn't even mind if he dies on this planet now because Reverse is no longer in his control.

"Is there a way... To kill Reverse?" Ask Fang hopelessly, knowing damn well what the answers will be.

King Yuki and King Natsu both shakes their head slowly. Seeing this, even though he knew the answer, he still bit his lips.

"I think you knew, that the only way to kill Reverse is by killing the original body. With that, Reverse will also disappear," said King Natsu and Fang nodded.

"... Then... Do you know anything about this book..?" Ask Fang as he take out the book titled 'Ryverse'.

The Kings take a look at the book with a kind off a shocked expression.

"Where did you find this?" Ask King Yuki.

"Some random old lady gave it to me," answer Fang.

"The writers name is unknown. The publisher is also unknown. Everything about this book is a mystery," explain Fang.

"This book..." King Natsu get off the chair and goes to some book shelf.

"Excuse me for a moment," said King Yuki before he teleport to somewhere else.

(He can also teleport?) Ask Fang to himself.

After a few minutes, King Yuki's come back with an old looking book. Same with King Natsu's that also bring some old looking book.

"Take a look," said King Natsu.

Fang then take a closer look at the title.

The book that Fang hold
The book that King Natsu's hold
The book that King Yuki's hold

Ryverse II
Ryverse III

"What...? This book has three chapters..?" Ask Fang in a disbelief tone. More over, the questions that is really playing on his mind right now is...

( Why are the other two is at Ryverse while the other one is on Earth?) Thought Fang.

Hi my lovely readers!
I'm back!
So? How are you guys doing?
Thank you very much for keeping this book alive!
I'm really happy!
Thank you for 3.08k 259 votes!
I really owe you guys!
Btw, Salam Ramadhan from me for those who celebrated it.
I know I'm late for it TwT
And Salam Eid Mubarak from me too for those who celebrated it!
I wish you guys all the best!
Again, Thank you very much for you guys support and all!
I love you all!
The Creator

1100 words

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