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—trigger warning: mentions of murder—

julia maria marchetti

ᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔjulia maria marchetti‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗

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I .

➢juliana maria marchetti
married name.
➢juliana maria reid
preferred name.
➢ssa marchetti, or agent marchetti
➢little koi , given to her by her mother as her mother's favorite animal was the koi fish. she absolutely adored them, almost as much as she adored julia
➢lia , given to her by her father, who was the only person to ever call her this
➢jules , upon meeting for the first time, 'jules' was all spencer could spit out when he learned her name. he's called her it quite often since then
➢juliet , derek gave her this name, like he's got a nickname, or multiple, for garcia. his reference is to romeo and juliet, but it's all fun in games
➢sugar, jujube , given to her from penelope
➢julie , jj, emily, and penelope call her this on occasion
➢any nickname your oc comes up with
➢june twelfth, nineteen eighty-two
➢supervisory special agent for the federal bureau of investigation in the behavioral analysis unit

II .

➢julia is extremely determined, often reaching her goals within her set timeframe or less. the only time she'll stray from her path or over works herself is when someone she loves is in trouble. she would put her life on the line if it meant that someone she loved or cared about got to live. she knows how to get to the point of whatever she's doing or talking about.

she doesn't take shit from anyone, putting whoever the headache she's dealing with in their place. she's quite confident about herself and how she does her job. the woman would fight to make someone see her point, though she knows when she's right and when she's wrong. she's an extremely intelligent and resourceful woman, who knows how to work her way around most any obstacle.

julia finds it hard to get close to anyone, having been badly effected by her childhood. she tried to open up to some people, sometimes achieving that goal, but other times she fails. whenever someone brings up her family around her, she gets quiet or defensive, often shutting down or shutting the other person out. she hates talking about it.

because of her line of work, she quickly figured out how to become ultra aware of her surroundings and always makes sure she's being observant. though nobody is perfect, and like everyone, she sometimes lets her guard down. she also quite good at reading people, she should be considering what she does for a living. but she's always had a hard time reading spencer reid.

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