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astraea xanthe florakis

ᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔᚔastraea xanthe florakis‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗

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I .

➢astraea xanthe florakis
➢astraea , star maiden or starry night
➢xanthe , yellow or golden
➢florakis , 'flor' refers to flower and 'akis' refers to crete
➢azzy , a nickname up for grabs by anyone. not just one person calls her this, though only her friends say it
➢florakis , james and remus often call her this
➢miss florakis , sirius and james call her this when she tells them not to do something, tells them to pay attention, or really tells them to do anything
➢vixen , her animagus name
➢vixxy , the four boys call her this on occasion, taken from her animagus name
➢raea, flower, mrs. black , sirius has given her all of these. raea to shorten her name, flower because of her last name, and mrs. black mostly because of her reaction but also because he knows they will marry one day
➢october 20th
➢student at hogwarts , currently
➢astronomy professor at hogwarts , eventually

II .

➢astraea is rather smart, often thinking up clever ways to get the boys out of trouble within just seconds. her cleverness has led her to become part of the marauders. when she adopts a passion for something, she must know everything about it, which makes her out to be a bookworm or a know-it-all, although she doesn't see herself this way. she isn't one to tutor people but many others come to her asking for help when they don't understand something. however, she usually sends them remus's way.

astraea is a very kind person. she doesn't exactly have a mean bone in her body. she's trustworthy, would never turn on someone unless they've done something unforgivable. when she becomes friends with someone, they are her loyalty. this doesn't mean that she's rude to others. no, she's extremely helpful and almost always puts others above herself. she always takes into account how what she says makes other people feel, often never being rude to anyone.. even those rude to her.

astraea is a peaceful and calm person, often finding herself alone just staring at the wall. but with this trait, she's overcome with a lot of loneliness. and though she gives off such an open and welcoming feeling towards others, she's actually rather soft spoken. her voice is never raised, never. not unless she's filled with rage. though this doesn't keep her from being quite bossy with the boys, trying to keep them in line when necessary. but those boys just can't sit still long enough to listen, especially sirius.

though, from spending so much time with certain people, she has gained a mischievous and tricky opposite to her soft and welcoming side. she does her best to stay out of trouble's way but is often pulled into it with her friends. she can be very open to doing something troublesome at times. astraea has become extremely sly, able to find every nook and cranny of hogwarts within just a few months. she's even able to cause distractions that allow her friends to slip by professors unseen. due to her creativity and immense knowledge of many, many things, she's able to creation complex potions with little to no effort. she seems to have a solution floating around her head to fix every problem. she can step back from a situation and take in every detail until she can put together exactly what's happening.

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